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I have current or previous part-time employment

If you work part- or full-time for part of a year, your length of insurance (number of quarters) and the amount of your pension will be calculated based on several criteria. These criteria include the industry in which you work as well as your part-time salary.

To receive a higher pension when you retire, you may choose to pay voluntary contributions based on a full-time salary.

When you log in to your pension account, you can view more information on your entitlements under each of your schemes, as shown below.

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private-sector employees, non-statutory government employees, artist-authors


How quarters are credited to your account

  • Part-time employment has no impact on your length of insurance if your annual earnings are high enough. For 4 quarters, or the maximum number for a calendar year, to be credited to your account, you will need an annual contributory income of at least 600 times the hourly minimum wage.

  • If your annual income is below that amount, fewer quarters will be credited to your account at a rate of one quarter per increment of 150 times the minimum hourly wage.

State civil servants, magistrates, and members of the armed forces


How quarters are accrued

Part-time and non-full-time employment are taken into account as full-time employment (except for the quarters used to calculate your State pension).


The amount of your pension

When your pension is calculated, half-time, part-time, and non-full-time work is only factored into your length of actual employment.

Exceptions :

  • Part-time employment on medical grounds is taken into account as full-time,
  • Part-time employment as of right to raise a child born or adopted on or after January 1st, 2004: the percentage not worked will be credited to your account free of charge (this period is limited to 3 years per child).


Example :

If neither of the two exceptions above applies, if you work at 80% of full time for five years, this period will be taken into account as 5 years in terms of length of insurance but as 4 years (5 years x 80%= 4 years) when the amount of your retirement pension is calculated.


Topped-up  contributions

A period of part-time work over the course of your career can be taken into account as a period of full-time employment if you pay topped-up contributions

If you decide to pay voluntary topped-up-contributions, your contributions will be withheld at a specific higher rate. This option is limited to 4 quarters.

You will need to ask your employer for approval for your topped-up contributions when you apply to either switch to part-time employment or renew your part-time authorization. If your part-time authorization renews automatically, you must make your decision before the end of the period of part-time work that had been previously authorized.


Example :

Ms. A has been working at 80% of full-time for two and a half years, or 10 quarters.

This period will be taken into account monetarily in her pension calculation as a period of: 10 quarters x 80% = 8 quarters (2 years). In order for this period to count as full-time in her pension calculation, or as 10 quarters rather

than 8, Ms. A has applied to pay topped-up contributions.

However, Ms. A can only pay topped-up contributions for a maximum of 5 years of work at 80% of full-time (5 years x 20% = 1 year, or 4 quarters).

The supplementary pension scheme for public-sector workers other than civil servants


Public sector contract-based workers are not eligible for this program for their supplementary retirement pension.


farm employees


How quarters are credited to your account

  • Part-time employment has no impact on your length of insurance if your annual earnings are high enough. For 4 quarters, or the maximum number for a calendar year, to be credited to your account, you will need an annual contributory income of at least 600 times the hourly minimum wage.

  • If your annual income is below that amount, fewer quarters will be credited to your account at a rate of one quarter per increment of 150 times the minimum hourly wage. 

The supplementary pension scheme for civil aviation cabin crew


Part-time employment is not recognized under the Transportation and civil aviation codes that govern the CRPN scheme.

Notary’s clerks and employees (crpcen)


How quarters are credited to your account

Part-time employment in notary services only entitles you to CRPCEN membership if weekly working hours are at least equal to half of the legal work week (currently 17.5 hours).

Under these circumstances, a period of part-time employment is credited to your account as a period of full-time employment in order to calculate your length of CRPCEN insurance and your length of insurance under all schemes combined.

Example: 1 year of part-time employment = 4 quarters.


Amount of your retirement pension

Periods of part-time employment may have an impact on your average annual salary (the average of the ten highest yearly salaries on which CRPCEN contributions were paid) which is the basis for calculating your CRPCEN retirement pension.


This means that the average annual salary for a part-time employee will be lower than that of a full-time employee with the same job. 

ratp employees


How quarters are credited to your account

  • Part-time employment has no impact on your length of insurance if your annual earnings are high enough. For 4 quarters, or the maximum number for a calendar year, to be credited to your account, you will need an annual contributory income of at least 600 times the hourly minimum wage, or 5,802 euros for 2016.

  • If your annual income is below that amount, fewer quarters will be credited to your account at a rate of one quarter per increment of 150 times the minimum hourly wage (or 1,450.50 euros for 2016). 

Electrical and gas industry employees (cnieg)


Periods of part-time employment in the electricity and gas industries count towards your pension in one of two ways :

  • Part-time with contributions based on actual time worked,

  • Part-time with contributions based on full-time salary.


Part-time with contributions based on actual time worked

These periods are credited to your retirement account:

In length of insurance, as periods of full-time employment (except if over-contributions have been paid, in which case only the time actually worked is taken into account);
In length of compensation for the periods of time actually worked.


Part-time employment with contributions on a full-time salary

Periods of part-time employment can be counted towards your length of insurance and your length of compensation as periods of full-time employment.

For this to happen, you will need to pay voluntary full-time contributions, which means paying employee’s and employer’s contributions on the percentage of time not worked. If you have a disability percentage of at least 80%, you will only need to pay employee’s contributions.

There is no time limitation for this option.

The process is described in detail in the national gas and electricity industry fund (CNIEG) memorandum No. 2009/07 dated May 25, 2009.


For members with active or hazardous duties

Periods actually worked will be credited to your account as active or hazardous service (with a bonus rate) while the percentage of time not worked will be credited as non-active duties (no bonus rate).

Personnels de l’Opéra de Paris (cropera)


How quarters are credited to your account

Periods of part-time employment count towards your retirement pension entitlement as if you had been employed full-time.


Amount of your retirement pension

These periods count towards your pension on a pro rata basis.

Periods of part-time employment can be counted as full-time if contributions (both the employee’s and employer’s shares) are paid on the amount of time not worked.



members of the religious organizations’ scheme


Employment, whether it is full or part-time, refers to work not consisting of religious activities.

The basic rule

When you perform work not consisting of religious activities –meaning professional employment- you cannot join Cavimac. Indeed, you are already required to be a member of another scheme into which you are already paying pension contributions.

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