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Under most of France's pension schemes, you can purchase quarters for any years that appear as incomplete on your employment history, which means that fewer than 4 quarters were accrued. Purchases are always capped at 12 quarters. If you have purchased quarters for your years in higher education, they will count toward the 12-quarter maximum.
You can also purchase quarters for other periods : employment abroad, periods as a contributing spouse ("conjoint collaborateur") of a private-practice professional, periods as a family helper in farming, unpaid periods caring for an ill family member (caregiver duties), etc...
Some of France's schemes will also allow you to purchase pension points as a way to increase the amount of your future pension.
Once you have logged in to your pension account, you will be able to access more information on your entitlements under each of your pension schemes.
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If certain requirements are met, you can purchase quarters for periods of salaried employment outside France, France's Overseas territories (not including Saint Martin and Saint Bartholomew), and Mayottte.
Requirements for purchase
Type of purchase
There are two different types of purchase. Your choice is final :
If your length of insurance is below what you need for a full-rate retirement pension (pop up explication), you can purchase quarters in order to reduce or cancel out the rate reduction that would otherwise apply to your future pension.
This purchase, which costs more, is a way to both reduce your rate reduction and increase the length of insurance that counts toward the amount of your pension.
No additional earnings will appear on your employment history. Any quarters you purchase will not count toward your average annual salary.
How much you will be charged
The amount you will be charged is determined by :
To learn more about the cost of purchasing quarters, please refer to the website legislation.cnav.fr
You can pay for your purchase in installments.
Vous pouvez racheter des cotisations si :
Pour en savoir plus sur les modalités et le montant du rachat, consultez le site web de l’Assurance retraite
You can purchase contributions if :
To learn more about purchasing rules and how much you will be charged, please refer to l'Assurance retraite's website.
A back-payment program is available for periods of salaried employment on which your employer still has not paid contributions once least 3 years have passed from the due date. Your employment history will not show the period for which contributions remain due.
You can check your employment history by logging into your pension account.
Your employer must submit an application on your behalf and pay the contributions to the regional fund that covers your place of residence. Otherwise, you can complete the process and make payment yourself. If you pay these contributions, you can deduct them from your taxable income.
The number of quarters credited to your account will depend on the length of the period on which back contributions were paid.
If your career includes an apprenticeship (under a contract signed prior to July 1st, 1972) you are eligible for the back-payment program for any unpaid contributions.
How much you will be charged
Your earnings will be used to calculate the contributions that are due and the quarters that can be credited to your account. If your actual earnings are not known, the contributions payable will be calculated on the basis of a fixed amount.
The amount due in back contributions must be paid in one single installment. No refunds are possible.
Children of Harkis and other French army backup troops can purchase up to 4 quarters at a reduced rate for any periods spent in military transit and housing camps in France between March 18, 1962, and December 31, 1975, while they were 16 to 21 years of age.
No more than 4 quarters can be purchased.
The cost to purchase each quarter is discounted by 2 000 euros.
If your length of insurance is below what you need for a full-rate retirement pension, you can purchase quarters in order to reduce or cancel out the rate reduction that would otherwise apply to your future pension.
The payment timeframe depends on the number of quarters you plan to purchase :
In any event, you will need to complete payment before you claim your pension. The amount due at the end of each 12-month period will be increased.
The purchase price is income-tax deductible.
Il est possible de racheter jusqu’à 140 points Agirc-Arrco par année d’études supérieures ou année incomplète, dans la limite de trois années.
Deux conditions doivent être remplies pour pouvoir racheter des points Agirc-Arrco :
Pour en savoir plus, consultez cette page du site du régime de retraite complémentaire Agirc-Arrco.
Your pension scheme does not offer a back-pay program for incomplete years. However, other programs are available.
Régimes de retraite Retraite de base : l’Assurance retraite Retraite complémentaire : Ircantec |
La validation est la prise en compte par l’Ircantec :
Pour que la validation soit effective, le salarié et l’employeur doivent verser des cotisations qui leur auraient été demandées s’ils avaient cotisé à l’époque où les services ont été accomplis.
Les points enregistrés par validation sont calculés comme les points acquis normalement par cotisations, sur la base des taux théoriques en vigueur à l’époque de l’exécution des services.
Pour en savoir plus, consultez le site du régime de retraite complémentaire Ircantec.
Vous pouvez racheter, sous certaines conditions, des cotisations pour les périodes d’activité salariée exercées hors de France, dans les collectivités françaises d’outre-mer (sauf Saint-Martin et Saint-Barthélemy) et à Mayotte.
Les années concernées sont celles qui comportent moins de 4 trimestres.
Il faut également qu'un salaire figure sur votre relevé de carrière, même s'il ne valide pas de trimestre, ou qu'il y ait au moins un trimestre assimilé (période d’interruption de travail qui compte pour la retraite : maladie, maternité, chômage, service militaire, etc.).
Ce rachat est limité à 12 trimestres. Si vous avez racheté des années d’études supérieures, le total des trimestres rachetés (années incomplètes et études) ne doit pas dépasser 12 trimestres.
Vous avez été apprenti ? Lire notre article J’ai fait des études en alternance.
Deux possibilités de rachat vous sont offertes, votre choix étant définitif :
Si votre durée d’assurance est insuffisante pour partir à la retraite à
Plus onéreux, il permet à la fois de réduire la minoration du taux et d’augmenter la durée d‘assurance prise en compte pour calculer le montant de votre retraite.
Le paiement peut être échelonné. En cas de paiement échelonné, une majoration est appliquée. Cet échelonnement n’est possible que pour les demandes de rachat portant sur plus d’1 trimestre. Pour le rachat d’1 seul trimestre, le versement se fait en une seule fois.
Le rachat des années incomplètes ne permet pas d’obtenir une retraite anticipée (carrière longue et assuré handicapé).
Le coût d’1 trimestre dépend d’un barème annuel défini par arrêté, et de 3 autres facteurs :
Les années concernées sont celles qui comportent moins de 4 trimestres.
Il faut également qu'un salaire figure sur votre relevé de carrière, même s'il ne valide pas de trimestre, ou qu'il y ait au moins un trimestre assimilé (période d’interruption de travail qui compte pour la retraite : maladie, maternité, chômage, service militaire, etc.).
Ce rachat est limité à 12 trimestres. Si vous avez racheté des années d’études supérieures, le total des trimestres rachetés (années incomplètes et études) ne doit pas dépasser 12 trimestres.
Vous avez été apprenti ? Lire notre article J’ai fait des études en alternance.
Deux possibilités de rachat vous sont offertes, votre choix étant définitif :
Si votre durée d’assurance est insuffisante pour partir à la retraite à
Plus onéreux, il permet à la fois de réduire la minoration du taux et d’augmenter la durée d‘assurance prise en compte pour calculer le montant de votre retraite.
Le paiement peut être échelonné. En cas de paiement échelonné, une majoration est appliquée. Cet échelonnement n’est possible que pour les demandes de rachat portant sur plus d’1 trimestre. Pour le rachat d’1 seul trimestre, le versement se fait en une seule fois.
Le rachat des années incomplètes ne permet pas d’obtenir une retraite anticipée (carrière longue et assuré handicapé).
Le coût d’1 trimestre dépend d’un barème annuel défini par arrêté, et de 3 autres facteurs :
Le coût du rachat est déductible de vos revenus imposables.
Pour en savoir plus sur le coût du rachat, vous pouvez consulter le site du régime de retraite MSA.
La régularisation concerne vos périodes d’activité salariée pour lesquelles votre employeur n’a toujours pas payé les cotisations alors que 3 années au minimum se sont écoulées depuis la date à laquelle elles étaient exigibles. Votre relevé de carrière ne doit pas comporter de salaire ou de trimestre pour la période à régulariser.
Pour consulter votre relevé de carrière, connectez-vous à votre compte retraite.
Votre employeur doit faire la demande en votre nom et verser les cotisations à la caisse régionale de votre lieu de résidence. A défaut, vous pouvez effectuer vous-même les démarches et le paiement. Si vous avez payé ces cotisations, vous pouvez déduire les déduire de votre revenu imposable.
Le nombre de trimestres que vous validez dépend de la durée de la période régularisée.
Si vous avez été apprenti (sous contrat conclu avant le 01er juillet 1972), vous êtes concerné par cette possibilité de rachat de cotisations arriérées.
Vos salaires permettent de calculer les cotisations dues et les trimestres à valider. Si vos salaires réels ne sont pas connus, les cotisations dues sont calculées sur la base d’un montant forfaitaire.
Le montant des cotisations doit être payé en une seule fois. Aucun remboursement n'est possible.
Vous pouvez racheter vos périodes d’aide familial agricole qui n’ont pu donner lieu à une affiliation au régime obligatoire.
Pour en savoir plus, consultez notre article Je suis ou j’ai été aide familial.
Si vous remplissez ces 2 conditions, chaque année accomplie depuis le 1er janvier 2000 vous ouvre droit au rachat d’1 année (4 trimestres) accomplie en tant que conjoint participant aux travaux entre le 1er juillet 1952 et le 31 décembre 1998.
Pour en savoir plus, consultez notre article Je travaille dans l’entreprise de mon conjoint.
Le rachat est déductible de vos revenus imposables.
Eligible years
These are years (from 1973 onwards) :
No scheme will allow you to purchase more than 12 quarters. If you have purchased quarters for your years in higher education, the total number of purchased quarters (for incomplete years and education enrollment) must not exceed 12.
Types of purchase
There are two different types of purchase. Your choice is final :
If your length of insurance is below what you need for a full-rate retirement pension (pop up explication), you can purchase quarters in order to reduce or cancel out the rate reduction that would otherwise apply to your future pension.
This purchase, which costs more, is a way to both reduce your rate reduction and increase the length of insurance that counts toward the amount of your pension.
Whichever type of purchase you choose, it will not increase the average annual income that is taken into account towards your basic retirement pension.
Payments can be made in installments. If you pay in installments over a period of more than 12 months, a penalty applies. You can only pay in installments if you are applying to purchase more than 1 quarter. If you are only purchasing one quarter, you must pay in full upfront.
Purchasing quarters for incomplete years will not entitle you to an early retirement pension (on the basis of a disability or a long career).
How much you will be charged
Your cost per quarter is determined by a scale that is set annually by decree, along with 3 additional factors :
If you report a loss on your business income return, you will be charged the minimum basic pension contribution, which is calculated on the minimum basis. You will accrue the following for the year of your reported loss :
If your finances improve, you can subsequently purchase the quarters that were not credited to your account. You can do so through one of two programs: by purchasing incomplete quarters (read above) or by a "Madelin purchase" (read below).
If you are a L'Assurance retraite member or left L'Assurance retraite less than one year ago, you can purchase any missing quarters for the past 6 years if you meet the following requirements :
The purchase price per quarter takes account of :
The income on which the purchased quarters are based will be counted towards your average annual income when your basic retirement pension is calculated.
You must submit your application to purchase quarters within a 10-year period following your last day of employment abroad.
The cost of purchasing periods abroad is aligned with the purchase price for incomplete years.
Unlike the other types of purchase, you are not required to have paid in full for your purchased periods abroad before you claim your retirement pension.
To learn more about how purchasing quarters can affect your pension once you are already retired, please contact your pension scheme.
Eligible years are those for which you accrued fewer than 4 quarters.
No scheme will allow you to purchase more than 12 quarters. If you have purchased quarters for your years in higher education, the total number of purchased quarters (for incomplete years and education enrollment) must not exceed 12.
Have you been an apprentice ? Please refer to the article entitled "My career includes a combined work/study program".
How much you will be charged
Your cost per quarter is determined by a scale that is set annually by decree, along with 3 additional factors :
To learn more about how much you will be charged, please contact your pension scheme.
There are two different types of purchase. Your choice is final :
If your length of insurance is below what you need for a full-rate retirement pension, you can purchase quarters in order to reduce or cancel out the rate reduction that would otherwise apply to your future pension.
This purchase, which costs more, is a way to both reduce your rate reduction and increase the length of insurance that counts toward the amount of your pension.
Whichever type of purchase you choose, it will not increase the average annual income that is taken into account towards your basic retirement pension.
Payments can be made in installments. If you pay in installments over a period of more than 12 months, a penalty applies. You can only pay in installments if you are applying to purchase more than 1 quarter. If you are only purchasing one quarter, you must pay in full upfront.
Purchasing quarters for will not entitle you to an early retirement pension (on the basis of a disability or a long career).
Le rachat est déductible de vos revenus imposables.
Pour en savoir plus sur le coût du rachat, contactez votre régime de retraite en vous connectant au compte retraite.
Periods and additional pension points can be purchased under the supplementary scheme. The purchase is tax-deductible with no upper limit.
Purchasing periods and points : rules and requirements
To learn more about the payment rules, please refer to CARMF’s website
Four types of period can be purchased
Physicians can purchase periods of military service or as part of a cooperation program. Each full or partial calendar quarter of service can be purchased. A surviving spouse of a physician who died before reaching retirement can also purchase these periods.
Required documentary evidence :
A legible full copy of the doctor's military booklet ("livret militaire") or of his/her military service record ("état des services militaires").
Female physicians can purchase 3 quarters for each child who was born during periods of medical practice.
Eligible periods are those in private practice, periods as a substitute physician with registration through the French medical association, and salaried medical practice (internships, clerkships, residencies, fellowships, etc.)
You can purchase 1 quarter for each 3-year period during which you had a dependent child receiving receiving France's disabled child-rearing allowance ("allocation d'éducation d'enfant handicapé/ AEEH). Purchases are capped at 3 quarters per child.
A list of required documentary evidence is available on CARMF’s website.
Physicians who joined the scheme after January 1st, 1996 and were under the age of 40 at that time were exempted from contributions for their first 2 years of membership. If you were included in this program, you can purchase 1 point for each quarter of exemption during these periods.
Cost to purchase these points in 2016
If you purchase years of contribution exemption: the annual benefit supplement at age 65
Purchasing additional points
If you do not total an average of 4 points per year of membership, you can acquire additional points.
Cost of purchasing additional points in 2016
The contributing spouse's (conjoint collaborateur) supplementary scheme
The supplementary pay-as-you-go pension scheme: purchasing quarters
You can only purchase quarters once you have claimed your pension. Provided that you were in private practice for at least 10 years, you can purchase quarters for all of the remaining years you need in order to be entitled to a full-rate pension. You will receive a purchase form with your offer at the same time you receive your retirement certificate.
The supplementary retirement-savings scheme: purchasing contributions
As from July 1st, 2015, when the reform of the supplementary scheme went into effect, there are caps on the contributions you are able to purchase.
Each member can purchase up to 6 years of contributions (i.e. 24 quarters) :
To learn more, please refer to the CAVP's website.
Veterinarians' supplementary pension scheme (carpv)
Purchasing supplementary-pension points
If you are between the ages of 55 and 59, you can opt to purchase さadditional contributionsざ. This is an opportunity to increase the pension points you will have acquired as of December 31 of the year of your application by 25%. The option you choose is final until you reach age 59.
How much you will be charged
The cost of each point you purchase through the "additional contribution" program is 1.5 times the regular purchase price per point.
Program rules
All veterinarians receive a personalized offer when they reach age 55.
Periods eligible for purchase under the supplementary scheme
Purchasing rules
First 2 years in practice with a contribution exemption | These years can be purchased between your 6th |
Year in which you gave birth and the following year |
Calendar years of military service (provided you already had your degree or were enrolled in a degree program prior to joining the military) |
For dental surgeons who became members prior to 1986 and who have accrued fewer than 720 points |
Periods eligible for purchase under the supplementary scheme
Purchasing rules
First 2 years in practice with a contribution exemption | These years can be purchased between your 6th |
Year in which you gave birth and the following year |
Calendar years of military service (provided you already had your degree or were enrolled in a degree program prior to joining the military) |
For dental surgeons who became members prior to 1986 and who have accrued fewer than 720 points |
Régime de retraite : CAVEC |
Si vous avez cotisé à la Cavec dans des classes inférieures à celle dans laquelle vous cotisez aujourd’hui, vous pouvez racheter des points au régime complémentaire pour augmenter le montant de votre retraite.
Cette possibilité est ouverte à partir de 50 ans et jusqu’à 65 ans.
Pour en savoir plus, consultez cette page du site du régime de retraite CAVEC.
Quarters can be purchased for periods that are eligible pursuant to article R.426-13 of the French code of civil aviation, in accordance with the requirements stipulated by article R.426-14 of the same code.
To learn more,^please refer to the explanatory notes on purchasing quarter's on CRPN's website
Your pension scheme does not offer a contribution purchasing program.
Certain periods during which you stopped working or worked part-time can be purchased at any time and credited to your CPRPSNCF account.
Periods during which you stopped working
Periods of part-time work
How much you will be charged
Statutory employee's contributions plus an additional 12% contribution will be deducted from your salary. will be deducted from your salary.
These contributions will be calculated and deducted by your employer, SNCF. The deductions are income-tax deductible.
To learn more about purchasing quarters, please refer to CPRPSNCF's website.
Your pension scheme does not offer a program to purchase incomplete years.
If you have current or past part-time employment, you can purchase contributions for the time you did not work. Purchases are capped at :
Certain periods of employment outside of the electrical and gas industries can be credited to your CNIEG account if you pay contributions.
Periods of employment abroad (posting)
You are eligible if you temporarily leave your electrical and gas industry employment to work in France or abroad :
Your period of posting can be credited to your account if the following requirements are met :
Business-creation leave ("congés pour création d'entreprise")
You can have your period of leave credited to your account if the following requirements are met :
Up to 24 months of business-creation leave can be credited to your account.
Régime de retraite : CROPERA |
Lorsque vous êtes engagé sous contrat à durée indéterminée, les services accomplis préalablement au titre d’engagements temporaires par l’Opéra national de Paris peuvent faire l’objet d’une validation, sous réserve de présenter la demande dans les 2 ans qui suivent la date d’affiliation et du versement rétroactif des cotisations salariales et patronales.
Les taux de cotisations de validation rétroactive de services sont ceux de l’année rachetée.
Les cotisations vieillesse préalablement versées à la sécurité sociale viennent, après leur annulation par le régime général, en déduction des cotisations rétroactives de validation.
Pour les personnels engagés sous CDI à compter du 1er janvier 2017, cette possibilité de validation rétroactive est supprimée.
Vos périodes d’activité à temps partiel peuvent être décomptées comme de périodes à temps plein, sous réserve du versement des cotisations (part salariale et part patronale) correspondant à la quotité de temps non travaillé.
Attention : le rachat est limité à 4 trimestres. Cette limite est portée à 8 trimestres pour les assurés handicapés dont l’incapacité permanente est d’au moins 80%.
At the current time, the three schemes administered by IRCEC do not offer a program to purchase.
Cavimac members can only purchase periods of education enrollment or religious training. Purchases can be "rate-only" or "rate plus length of insurance".
To learn more, please refer to the article entitled, "Purchasing quarters for periods of education enrollment".