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I have raised a disabled child

If you have raised a disabled child, regardless of whether s/he is related to you, you may be eligible for an increase in your length of insurance as well as special retirement programs under some of France’s retirement pension schemes. 

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La réforme des retraites 2023 a créé l’assurance-vieillesse des aidants (AVA), dispositif regroupant l’ensemble des motifs d’affiliation à l’assurance-vieillesse existants pour les aidants. Il permet la constitution des droits à la retraite des personnes cessant ou réduisant leur activité professionnelle pour s’occuper d’un enfant ou d’une personne gravement malade ou en situation de handicap.

Pour bénéficier de l'AVA, vous devez :

  • percevoir l’allocation journalière de présence parentale (AJPP) ;
  • assumer la charge d’un enfant de moins de 20 ans en situation de handicap présentant un taux d’incapacité d’au moins 80%, ou compris entre 50 et 79% et bénéficiant du complément AEEH (allocation d’éducation de l’enfant handicapé) ou PCH (complément de la prestation de compensation du handicap), vivant à votre domicile ;
  • avoir une activité professionnelle réduite ou être sans activité.


  Retrouvez plus d'informations sur ce sujet, notamment les démarches, en consultant cette page du site de la Caisse d'allocations familiales (CAF).

private-sector employees, non-statutory government employees, artist-authors

You are eligible if the child you have raised has a permanent disability with a severity rating of at least 80% which entitles him/her to:

  • The special child-rearing allowance (“allocation d’éducation speciale”) and one of its supplements,

  • The special disabled child’s education allowance (“allocation d’éducation de l’enfant handicapé”/ AEEH) and its supplements,

  • AEEH and the disability compensation benefit (“prestation de compensation du handicap”/ PCH).

How additional quarters are credited to your account

You will be awarded an additional quarter for each period of 30 consecutive months during which you raise a disabled child under the age of 20, up to a maximum of 8 quarters.

State civil servants, magistrates, and members of the armed forces

You may be eligible if the child was under the age of 20 during the periods of care and if s/he has a disability with a severity rating of at least 80%.

How additional quarters are credited to your account

You will be awarded an additional quarter for each period of 30 consecutive months devoted to caring for your child, up to a maximum of 4 quarters.


A full-rate retirement pension from age 65

Your scheme offers a full-rate retirement pension from the age of 65 without any rate decrease.


Early retirement

If you are the parent of a child at least one year of age with a disability severity rating of at least 80, or have raised that child for at least 9 years, you may be eligible for early retirement.

You will be eligible if:

  • You total at least 15 years of actual service,

  • And you stopped working or cut back your working hours over at least 2 consecutive months to care for your child.

For more information on the eligibility criteria, please contact your retirement pension scheme

Non-statutory State and local government workers (IRCANTEC)


Your supplementary pension scheme does not have a special program for caregivers for disabled adults.

private-sector employees, non-statutory government employees, artist-authors

You are eligible if the child you have raised has a permanent disability with a severity rating of at least 80% which entitles him/her to:

  • The special child-rearing allowance (“allocation d’éducation speciale”) and one of its supplements,

  • The special disabled child’s education allowance (“allocation d’éducation de l’enfant handicapé”/ AEEH) and its supplements,

  • AEEH and the disability compensation benefit (“prestation de compensation du handicap”/ PCH).

How additional quarters are credited to your account

You will be awarded an additional quarter for each period of 30 consecutive months during which you raise a disabled child under the age of 20, up to a maximum of 8 quarters.

Independent professionals

You are eligible if the child you have raised has a permanent disability with a severity rating of at least 80% which entitles him/her to:

  • The special child-rearing allowance (“allocation d’éducation speciale”) and one of its supplements,

  • The special disabled child’s education allowance (“allocation d’éducation de l’enfant handicapé”/ AEEH) and its supplements,

  • AEEH and the disability compensation benefit (“prestation de compensation du handicap”/ PCH).

How additional quarters are credited to your account

You will be awarded an additional quarter for each period of 30 consecutive months during which you raise a disabled child under the age of 20, up to a maximum of 8 quarters.

Supplementary pension for civil aviation cabin crew

When a member dies, his/her disabled child may be eligible for an orphan’s pension under certain conditions.

For more information, please contact your retirement pension scheme

Notary’s clerks and employees

You may be eligible if the child you have cared for has a disability with a severity rating of at least 80%.

How additional quarters are credited to your account

You will be awarded an additional quarter for each period of 30 consecutive months of child-rearing, up to a maximum of 4 quarters. For these periods to count, the child must have been under the age of 20.


SNCF workers

Early retirement for parents

If you are a member of the permanent staff, you are eligible for early retirement if you meet the following three criteria:

  • have a child at least one year of age with a disability severity rating of at least 80%, or have raised a child with a disability severity rating of 80% for at least 9 years, entitling you to a child-rearing pension increase,

  • have 15 years of actual service at SNCF,

  • And have stopped working for at least 2 consecutive months for each child, or have cut back your working hours so that your total time off work is equivalent to at least 2 months.


If you have raised a child under the age of 21 in your home and that child has a disability with a severity rating of 80% or more, you are eligible for an increase in your length of insurance: 1 quarter for every 30 months of child-rearing, up to a maximum of 8 quarters.

RATP employees

Early retirement

If you are the parent of a child at least 1 year of age who has a disability with a severity rating of 80% or more, you may be eligible for early retirement.

To be eligible, you will need to meet the following 3 criteria:

  • total at least 15 years of actual service at the RATP,

  • have raised your child for 9 years,

  • and have stopped working to care for your child for at least 2 consecutive months (maternity leave, paternity leave, adoption leave, parental child-rearing leave (“conge parental d’éducation”) coupled with parental presence leave (“conge de presence parentale”), or unpaid leave if you did not engage in any salaried or self-employment during that leave), or have had a period of part-time employment in order to care for your child that was long enough so that the total amount of time off work is equivalent to 2 months.


Insurance length increase

If you have raised a child under the age of 20 in your home and that child has a disability with a severity rating of 80% or more, you are eligible for an increase in your length of insurance: 1 quarter for every 30 months of child-rearing, up to a maximum of 8 quarters.

Electrical and gas industry employees

Your retirement pension scheme does not offer a special program for members who have raised a disabled child.

Opéra national de Paris personnel

Your retirement pension scheme does not offer a special program for members who have raised a disabled child.

members of the religious organizations’ scheme

Your retirement pension scheme does not offer a special program for members who have raised a disabled child.

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