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The following information applies if you regularly contribute to your spouse’s business activities.
Pursuant to the law of August 2, 2005, on small and medium-sized businesses, those who regularly contribute to their spouse’s craft-making, retail, or private-practice business must choose a status and declare it to the business registration center (centre de formalités des enterprises/ CFE). If you are involved in the farming business, your status application must be submitted to the MSA.
This means that spouses accrue their own retirement pension entitlements.
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Régimes de retraite Retraite de base : l’Assurance retraite Retraite complémentaire : Agirc-Arrco |
En tant que conjoint salarié, comme tous les salariés, vous cotisez pour votre retraite complémentaire auprès des régimes de retraite des salariés.
Pour en savoir plus sur ce sujet, vous pouvez consulter cette page du site du régime de retraite Agirc-Arrco.
If you work on a regular and ongoing basis on your spouse’s, de facto partner’s, or civil union (PACS) partner’s farm or farming business, you will need to choose a status from among the following three options:
Farm or farming business contributor (“collaborateur d’exploitation ou d’entreprise”),
Farm or farming business partner,
Agricultural salaried worker.
To be eligible for this status, you must:
Be married to, have contracted a civil union (PACS) with, or be the de facto partner of a farmer or farming entrepreneur (with an individual or company setup) of whom you are the beneficiary,
Be working on his/her farm or farming business on a regular and ongoing basis with no monetary compensation,
And not currently have a status.
Under this status, you will be entitled to a fixed-rate pension and a graduated pension. As of 2011, you will also be entitled to a supplementary pension (RCO).
The supplementary pension contribution (RCO) is calculated based on the farmer or farming business owner’s earned income (fixed-rate basis of 1200 times the French minimum wage or SMIC) for eligible family members.
A supplementary pension entitlement also entitles the surviving spouse to a survivor’s pension, which will be calculated based on 54% of the number of points accrued by and credited free of charge to the account of the self-employed agricultural worker on the date of his/her death. Effective as from the reform of 2014, the supplementary survivor’s pension is based on points accrued and credited free of charge, even if the farmer or had not claimed his/her retirement pension at the time of his/her death.
Important :
Any undeclared work is subject to penalties for illegal employment.
If you meet certain eligibility criteria, you can join the voluntary old-age insurance program (“Assurance Volontaire Vieillesse”/ AVV). It is available to the farmer or farming business owner and to his or her contributor (“collaborateur”) and family helpers (“aides familiaux”) and will credit you with all of your quarters for the corresponding years.
Prior to 2014, the farmer or farming business owner was required to submit this application and pay all applicable contributions. Since that date, contributors (“collaborateurs”) can join the voluntary old-age insurance program (AVV) independently.
In 2009, contributing spouse status (“statut de conjoint collaborateur”) was renamed farm or farming business contributor status (“statut de collaborateur d’exploitation ou d’entreprise”) in order to include de facto and civil union (PACS) partners. Spouses’ retirement pension entitlements remain unchanged.
The law of August 2, 2005, applies to the spouses of craftsman, merchants, and private-practice professionals.
In all cases, failure to declare your work will result in penalties for illegal employment.
You will need to submit an application to your retirement pension fund, along with:
A copy of the declaration you submitted to the Business registration center (Centre de formalités des enterprises/ CFE),
A completed Contributing spouse status declaration (“declaration du statut de conjoint collaborateur”), issued by CIPAV
A photocopy of your family record book (“livret de famille”) that shows your marriage with the private-practice professional, if you are married,
If you have contracted a civil union (“PACS), you will need a birth certificate, as well as the document showing the civil union (“PACS) issued by the Paris court “Tribunal de Grande Instance de Paris”) if you or your partner were born abroad.
The professional must have his/her own, individual private practice. If the private practice is set up as a corporation, you can only pay contributions if you are the spouse:
Of the managing director who is the single member of an EURL,
Or of the managing director who is the majority shareholder of a SARL or of a SELARL with fewer than 20 employees.
Contact information for your retirement pension funds
As a contributing spouse (“conjoint collaborateur”), you will receive your own bills for contributions. You will pay your own contributions separately from those of the private-practice professional. There are several choices when it comes to paying contributions, both with regard to the basic scheme and with regard to the supplementary and disability-death pension schemes.
1/ Your options for basic scheme contributions
As a contributing spouse (“conjoint collaborateur”) of a private-practice professional, you can choose the basis on which your basic-scheme retirement pension contributions will be calculated.
There are three available options:
Option 1
As a contributing spouse, you can pay contributions based on a fixed amount of income (19,308 €). This is half of the upper limit of Bracket 1, which is used to calculate the private-practice professional’s contributions. Your contribution rate will be 1,950 €.
Option 2
You can pay contributions based on a percentage, either 25% or 50%, of your spouse’s private-practice income. However, this income will not be shared between you and your spouse will pay contributions on his/her entire income.
Option 3
You can pay contributions on a fraction, either 25% or 50%, of your spouse’s private-practice income. This income will be shared between you and your spouse, which means that you will also share the contributions and entitlements that result from this income. You will need your spouse’s consent to choose this option.
If your spouse is beginning his/her career in private practice, options 2 or 3 will apply based on a notional income for the 1st or 2nd year. Annual contributions cannot be lower than the minimum contribution amount, or 448 €.
Effective period and renewal of your chosen option
As a contributing spouse (“conjoint collaborateur”), you must choose one of the above options, in writing, within 60 days of the issuance of your notice of membership and before any contributions are paid.
Your chosen option will be automatically renewed every three years unless you request a change. Your spouse can also request a change if you have chosen option 3.
Le régime de retraite CARCDSF met à disposition une brochure dédiée aux conjoints collaborateurs.
Vous pouvez la consulter sur le site du régime.
Vous recevez en tant que conjoint collaborateur, vos propres appels de cotisations. Vous payez vos cotisations, indépendamment de celles du professionnel, directement à la CAVAMAC. Vous pouvez demander à bénéficier du prélèvement mensuel de vos cotisations en téléchargeant un mandat de prélèvement SEPA.
Le conjoint collaborateur doit effectuer son choix pour l’une des options, par écrit, 60 jours au plus tard après l’envoi de son avis d’affiliation et avant tout versement de cotisations.
Ce choix est reconduit pour une durée de trois ans renouvelable, sauf demande contraire du conjoint collaborateur ou du professionnel libéral.
En cas de radiation du conjoint, les cotisations RCO sont dues jusqu’au 31 décembre et pour le Régime RID, jusqu’au jour de la fin de la collaboration.
La possibilité d’exercer sous le statut de conjoint collaborateur est limitée à 5 ans depuis le 1er janvier 2022.
Si l’affiliation de votre conjoint est antérieure au 1er janvier 2022 il peut encore conserver ce statut pendant 5 ans à compter de cette date.
A noter que cette durée de 5 ans peut en outre être prolongée jusqu’au moment de la retraite, sous réserve d’atteindre l’âge du taux plein (67 ans en l’état actuel de la réglementation), au plus tard le 31 décembre 2031.
Les cotisations RCO sont dues jusqu’au dernier jour de l’exercice, quelle que soit la date de cessation effective. Les cotisations RID sont dues jusqu’au jour de la cessation d’activité.