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I am or have been a family caregiver for a disabled adult

Several of France’s pension schemes have special programs for people who are ongoing caregivers for a disabled adult.

For periods of caregiving after January 1st, 2015, quarters are credited to family helpers’ accounts under certain conditions: each period of 30 calendar months during which you are a caregiver for a disabled adult can entitle you to an additional quarter, up to a maximum of 8 quarters.

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Private-sector salaried workers, non-statutory government employees, artist-authors (L'Assurance Retraite)


  • You must be a member of one of France’s social security schemes and have a documented family relationship with the disabled person. You can be a caregiver for your spouse, de facto or “pacs” (civil union) partner, your or your spouse’s ascendant or descendant, or your or your spouse’s collateral relative (pop up définition) up to the 4th degree.
  • Your documentary evidence must be current and valid for each period as a caregiver.
  • The person you are caring for must be at least 20 years old and have a permanent disability officially assessed at 80% or higher.
  • You must not engage in any paid work while receiving caregiver’s benefits.
  • You must be living with the person you are caring for, either at your house or at theirs.
  • You must be providing ongoing care to the disabled person.


A noter :

Si vous êtes ou avez été affilié à plusieurs régimes de retraite qui prévoient cette majoration de durée d’assurance, un seul d’entre eux vous l’attribuera.

  • Vous vous êtes occupé d’une personne handicapée de façon permanente ou non.
  • Et vous avez cessé totalement votre activité professionnelle pour venir en aide à la personne handicapée, pendant une durée minimale de 30 mois consécutifs.


D’autres conditions s’ajoutent à celles-ci.

Si vous êtes la famille de la personne handicapée :

  • vous devez être assuré social et justifier d'un lien familial avec la personne handicapée. Celle-ci peut être votre conjoint, concubin ou partenaire pacsé, votre ascendant ou descendant (ou celui de votre conjoint), votre collatéral (pop up explication) jusqu'au 4e degré (ou celui de votre conjoint).
  •  la personne aidée est âgée d’au moins 20 ans, bénéficie des aides humaines de la prestation de compensation du handicap (PCH) et ne vous emploie pas en tant que salarié.


Si vous n’avez pas de lien de parenté avec la personne handicapée :

  • vous apportez cette aide à titre non professionnel, au domicile de la personne handicapée,
  • et la personne aidée bénéficie de l’allocation compensation tierce personne (ACTP).

For each period of 30 calendar months as a caregiver for a disabled adult, your length of insurance (pop up définition) can be credited with an additional quarter, up to a maximum of 8 quarters total. These quarters can be credited to different family caregivers.

Example :

A couple has taken a disabled adult into their home for 90 months:

  • Spouse A’s length of insurance can be credited with an additional quarter for the 1st 30-month period,
  • Spouse B can be credited for the 2nd 30-month period,
  • Spouse A can be credited for the final period.

For this to occur, each of the spouses must prove that s/he provided ongoing care to the disabled person for the period(s) s/he is claiming.

The additional quarters that are credited toward your length of insurance as a caregiver for a disabled adult do not count toward your entitlement to early retirement for a long career.

However, they can be granted at the same time as all other insurance length increases.

Example :

A woman who has raised a disabled child and continued to care for that child after his/her 20th birthday can be credited with up to 24 additional quarters if she meets the eligibility requirements :

  • 8 additional quarters to care for a child,
  • 8 additional quarters to care for a disabled child,
  • 8 additional quarters to care for a disabled adult.
  • Points et congés de proche aidant ou de solidarité familiale

Vous pouvez obtenir des points de retraite Agirc-Arrco en contrepartie des cotisations versées pendant le congé de proche aidant (ex-congé de soutien familial) ou de solidarité familiale, sous certaines conditions.


  • Retraite à taux plein à 65 ans

Vous pouvez bénéficier de votre retraite complémentaire à taux plein à compter de 65 ans.


  •  Majoration pour enfant à charge

Si le handicap de votre enfant a été reconnu avant ses 21 ans, vous pouvez bénéficier ou continuer de bénéficier d’une majoration de votre retraite complémentaire Agirc-Arrco. Cette majoration pour "enfant à charge" est de 5 %.

State civil servants, magistrates, members of the armed forces (SRE)


You are not eligible for the 1-quarter increase mentioned above.

However, if your spouse has an incurable infirmity or disease, you can claim your retirement pension early if you have completed 15 years of actual service.

Your spouse’s incurable infirmity or disease must be officially recognized by a medical discharge board.


Non-statutory State and local government workers (IRCANTEC)


Your supplementary pension scheme does not have a special program for caregivers for disabled adults.

Farm employees, farmers and their families (MSA)
  • You must be a member of one of France’s social security schemes and have a documented family relationship with the disabled person. You can be a caregiver for your spouse, de facto or “pacs” (civil union) partner, your or your spouse’s ascendant or descendant, or your or your spouse’s collateral relative up to the 4th degree.
  • You must be providing ongoing care to the disabled person.
  • You must be living with the person you are caring for, either at your house or at theirs.
  • You must not engage in any paid work while receiving caregiver’s benefits.
  • The person you are caring for must be at least 20 years old and have a permanent disability officially assessed at 80% or higher.
  • Your documentary evidence must be current and valid for each period as a caregiver.


A noter :

Si vous êtes ou avez été affilié à plusieurs régimes de retraite qui prévoient cette majoration de durée d’assurance, un seul d’entre eux vous l’attribuera.

  • Vous vous êtes occupé d’une personne handicapée de façon permanente ou non.
  • Et vous avez cessé totalement votre activité professionnelle pour venir en aide à la personne handicapée, pendant une durée minimale de 30 mois consécutifs.


D’autres conditions s’ajoutent à celles-ci.

Si vous êtes la famille de la personne handicapée :

  • vous devez être assuré social et justifier d'un lien familial avec la personne handicapée. Celle-ci peut être votre conjoint, concubin ou partenaire pacsé, votre ascendant ou descendant (ou celui de votre conjoint), votre collatéral (pop up explication) jusqu'au 4e degré (ou celui de votre conjoint).
  •  la personne aidée est âgée d’au moins 20 ans, bénéficie des aides humaines de la prestation de compensation du handicap (PCH) et ne vous emploie pas en tant que salarié.


Si vous n’avez pas de lien de parenté avec la personne handicapée :

  • vous apportez cette aide à titre non professionnel, au domicile de la personne handicapée,
  • et la personne aidée bénéficie de l’allocation compensation tierce personne (ACTP).

For each period of 30 calendar months as a caregiver for a disabled adult, your length of insurance (pop up définition) can be credited with an additional quarter, up to a maximum of 8 quarters total. These quarters can be credited to different family caregivers.

Example :

A couple has taken a disabled adult into their home for 90 months :

  • Spouse A’s length of insurance can be credited with an additional quarter for the 1st 30-month period,
  • Spouse B can be credited for the 2nd 30-month period,
  • Spouse A can be credited for the final period.

For this to occur, each of the spouses must prove that s/he provided ongoing care to the disabled person for the period(s) s/he is claiming.

The additional quarters that are credited toward your length of insurance as a caregiver for a disabled adult do not count toward your entitlement to early retirement for a long career.

However, they can be granted at the same time as all other insurance length increases.

Example :

A woman who has raised a disabled child and continued to care for that child after his/her 20th birthday can be credited with up to 24 additional quarters if she meets the eligibility requirements :

  • 8 additional quarters to care for a child,
  • 8 additional quarters to care for a disabled child,
  • 8 additional quarters to care for a disabled adult.
  • Points et congés de proche aidant ou de solidarité familiale

Vous pouvez obtenir des points de retraite Agirc-Arrco en contrepartie des cotisations versées pendant le congé de proche aidant (ex-congé de soutien familial) ou de solidarité familiale, sous certaines conditions.


  • Retraite à taux plein à 65 ans

Vous pouvez bénéficier de votre retraite complémentaire à taux plein à compter de 65 ans.


  •  Majoration pour enfant à charge

Si le handicap de votre enfant a été reconnu avant ses 21 ans, vous pouvez bénéficier ou continuer de bénéficier d’une majoration de votre retraite complémentaire Agirc-Arrco. Cette majoration pour "enfant à charge" est de 5 %.

Merchant-craftsmen (L'assurance retraite)
  • You must be a member of one of France’s social security schemes and have a documented family relationship with the disabled person. You can be a caregiver for your spouse, de facto or “pacs” (civil union) partner, your or your spouse’s ascendant or descendant, or your or your spouse’s collateral relative  up to the 4th degree.
  • You must be providing ongoing care to the disabled person.
  • You must be living with the person you are caring for, either at your house or at theirs.
  • You must not engage in any paid work while receiving caregiver’s benefits.
  • The person you are caring for must be at least 20 years old and have a permanent disability officially assessed at 80% or higher.
  • Your documentary evidence must be current and valid for each period as a caregiver.


A noter :

Si vous êtes ou avez été affilié à plusieurs régimes de retraite qui prévoient cette majoration de durée d’assurance, un seul d’entre eux vous l’attribuera.

Vous pouvez bénéficier de votre retraite de base à taux plein à compter de 65 ans. Si vous avez obtenu votre retraite de base de l'Assurance retraite à taux plein, vous pouvez aussi bénéficier de votre retraite complémentaire des travailleurs indépendants à taux plein.

For each period of 30 calendar months as a caregiver for a disabled adult, your length of insurance can be credited with an additional quarter, up to a maximum of 8 quarters total. These quarters can be credited to different family caregivers.

Example :

A couple has taken a disabled adult into their home for 90 months :

  • Spouse A’s length of insurance can be credited with an additional quarter for the 1st 30-month period,
  • Spouse B can be credited for the 2nd 30-month period,
  • Spouse A can be credited for the final period.

For this to occur, each of the spouses must prove that s/he provided ongoing care to the disabled person for the period(s) s/he is claiming.

The additional quarters that are credited toward your length of insurance as a caregiver for a disabled adult do not count toward your entitlement to early retirement for a long career.

However, they can be granted at the same time as all other insurance length increases.


Example :

A woman who has raised a disabled child and continued to care for that child after his/her 20th birthday can be credited with up to 24 additional quarters if she meets the eligibility requirements:

  • 8 additional quarters to care for a child,
  • 8 additional quarters to care for a disabled child,
  • 8 additional quarters to care for a disabled adult.
Private-practice professionals (cnavpl)


  • You must be a member of one of France’s social security schemes and have a documented family relationship with the disabled person. You can be a caregiver for your spouse, de facto or “pacs” (civil union) partner, your or your spouse’s ascendant or descendant, or your or your spouse’s collateral relative  up to the 4th degree.
  • You must be providing ongoing care to the disabled person.
  • You must be living with the person you are caring for, either at your house or at theirs.
  • You must not engage in any paid work while receiving caregiver’s benefits.
  • The person you are caring for must be at least 20 years old and have a permanent disability officially assessed at 80% or higher.
  • Your documentary evidence must be current and valid for each period as a caregiver.


A noter :

Si vous êtes ou avez été affilié à plusieurs régimes de retraite qui prévoient cette majoration de durée d’assurance, un seul d’entre eux vous l’attribuera.

  • Vous vous êtes occupé d’une personne handicapée de façon permanente ou non.
  • Et vous avez cessé totalement votre activité professionnelle pour venir en aide à la personne handicapée, pendant une durée minimale de 30 mois consécutifs.


D’autres conditions s’ajoutent à celles-ci.

Si vous êtes la famille de la personne handicapée :

  • vous devez être assuré social et justifier d'un lien familial avec la personne handicapée. Celle-ci peut être votre conjoint, concubin ou partenaire pacsé, votre ascendant ou descendant (ou celui de votre conjoint), votre collatéral (pop up explication) jusqu'au 4e degré (ou celui de votre conjoint).
  •  la personne aidée est âgée d’au moins 20 ans, bénéficie des aides humaines de la prestation de compensation du handicap (PCH) et ne vous emploie pas en tant que salarié.


Si vous n’avez pas de lien de parenté avec la personne handicapée :

  • vous apportez cette aide à titre non professionnel, au domicile de la personne handicapée,
  • et la personne aidée bénéficie de l’allocation compensation tierce personne (ACTP).

For each period of 30 calendar months as a caregiver for a disabled adult, your length of insurance can be credited with an additional quarter, up to a maximum of 8 quarters total. These quarters can be credited to different family caregivers.

Example :

A couple has taken a disabled adult into their home for 90 months:

  • Spouse A’s length of insurance can be credited with an additional quarter for the 1st 30-month period,
  • Spouse B can be credited for the 2nd 30-month period,
  • Spouse A can be credited for the final period.


For this to occur, each of the spouses must prove that s/he provided ongoing care to the disabled person for the period(s) s/he is claiming.

The additional quarters that are credited toward your length of insurance as a caregiver for a disabled adult do not count toward your entitlement to early retirement for a long career.

However, they can be granted at the same time as all other insurance length increases.


Example :

A woman who has raised a disabled child and continued to care for that child after his/her 20th birthday can be credited with up to 24 additional quarters if she meets the eligibility requirements :

  • 8 additional quarters to care for a child,
  • 8 additional quarters to care for a disabled child,
  • 8 additional quarters to care for a disabled adult.
Lawyers (CNBF)


Your scheme does not have a special program for caregivers for disabled adults.

Non-statutory State and local government workers, supplementary pension scheme for civil aviation cabin crew (CRPN)


Your supplementary pension scheme does not have a special program for caregivers for disabled adults.

Notary clerks and employees (crpcen)


Your scheme does not have a special program for caregivers for disabled adults.

SNCF workers (cprpsncf)


Your scheme does not have a special program for caregivers for disabled adults.

RATP employees (CRP RATP)


Your scheme does not have a special program for caregivers for disabled adults.

Electrical and gas industry employees (CNIEG)


Your scheme does not have a special program for caregivers for disabled adults.

Opéra national de Paris personnel (Cropera)


Your scheme does not have a special program for caregivers for disabled adults.

Members of the religious organizations’ scheme (Cavimac)


Your scheme does not have a special program for caregivers for disabled adults.

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