Your pension calculation is final. However, you can appeal a decision from your pension fund to the board of arbitration (“Commission de recours amiable/ CRA), which rules on members’ appeals.
You have 2 months from the date you were notified of the decision to appeal it to the board of arbitration (CRA).
If the CRA denies your appeal
If the board of appeals (CRA) denies your appeal or you are not satisfied with the reply you receive, you (or your representative) can make a submission to the Court of Social Security Affairs (“Tribunal des Affaires de Sécurité Sociale”/ TASS) and to your pension scheme’s mediator. Applying to the mediator does not postpone the legal deadline for submitting your case before the courts.
To learn more about how to appeal and about the mediator, please refer to your pension scheme’s website(s).
If you want a review of your Agirc Arrco supplementary retirement pension
You can apply for a review of your supplementary retirement pension entitlement if you have documentary evidence or new information that is liable to entitle you to points for a given period. If the period in question already appears on your pension record, your new entitlements will be granted retroactively from the start date for your supplementary pension. If it does not appear, your new entitlements will take effect from the date of your application for a review.
To learn more about how to appeal and about the mediator, please refer to your pension scheme’s website(s
If you are not satisfied with how your pension fund has handled your application, you can write to the Agirc and Arrco federations’ board of arbitration. If the case is not settled amicably, you can apply to a civil court.
If you are a civil servant, you can apply for a review of your pension entitlement:
Within a 1-year deadline if there has been an error of law
Or at any time if there has been a clerical error.
Any decision by your pension scheme (SRE, CNRACL, FSPOEIE, or RAFP) can be brought before its internal arbitration board or appealed before an administrative court.