Purchasing quarters for years in education

You can purchase up to 12 quarters for your years of enrollment in higher education.

Quarters credited to your account will be added on to your length of insurance and/or increase the rate at which your pension is paid (please refer to paragraph entitled "how to purchase quarters"). However, as no monetary amount is added to your employment history, purchased quarters are not factored into  your average annual salary.

  • You must be between 20 and 67 years old, or under the age of 60 for civil servants and members of the armed forces,

  • And not be claiming your personal retirement pension

You can purchase quarters for periods of education enrollment based on which you were awarded a degree or earned admission ti a "grande école" or a "classe préparatoire".

You can also have earned a recognized equivalent degree in one of the following countries:

  • A countries in the area of ​​application of European regulations,

  • A country that has signed an agreement with France,

  • Or an overseas territory that has signed a coordination agreement with France's metropolitan schemes.

You will need to apply to purchase quarters through the first scheme to which you belonged after finishing your education. If you belonged to more than one scheme at the same time, please click here.

Are you planning to purchase quarters for your years in eduction from the State civil servants' scheme, You can estimate the cost of this purchase on SRE's website.

The cost of purchasing quarters is based on several factors :

  • Your earned income over the 3 years prior to your application, or your gross annual compensation if you are a civil servant or member of the armed forces,

  • The option you choose,

  • And your age on the date of your application.


You can deduct your purchase from your taxable income.

Some quarters can be purchased at a lower rate (please refer to the paragraph entitled "Rules for purchasing quarters").


Important information:

If you performed an apprenticeship after December 31st, 2013, you do not need to purchase quarters for these periods: all of your quarters of apprenticeship can be credited to your account.

Read the article entitled "I have done a combiined work training/Lstudy program"

Sur les 12 trimestres qui peuvent être rachetés, les étudiants et anciens étudiants âgés d’au moins 20 ans et de moins de 67 ans (moins de 60 ans pour un rachat effectué auprès d’un régime de la fonction publique) peuvent racheter 4 trimestres à tarif réduit.

Pour obtenir le tarif réduit, la demande de rachat des étudiants et anciens étudiants doit être faite au plus tard le 31 décembre de l'année civile du 40ème anniversaire du demandeur. 

Attention : le tarif réduit concerne uniquement les périodes d’études en formation initiale (et non en formation continue).


La réduction est forfaitaire :

Montant de la réduction

Salariés du secteur privé et travailleurs indépendants

Montant de la réduction

Fonctionnaires et salariés des régimes spéciaux

Montant de la réduction

Professionnels libéraux

Montant de la réduction

Exploitants agricoles

  • 670€ par trimestre pour augmenter le taux de calcul de la retraite ;
  • 1000€ par trimestre pour augmenter le taux et la durée d’assurance.


  • 440€ par trimestre pour augmenter le taux de calcul de la retraite ;
  • 930€ par trimestre pour réduire l’effet de la décote ;
  • 1380€ par trimestre pour augmenter le taux et réduire l’effet de la décote.
  • 400€ par trimestre pour un rachat au titre des trimestres seulement ;
  • 590€ par trimestre pour un rachat au titre des trimestres et des points.
  • 600€ par trimestre pour un rachat au titre des trimestres seulement ;
  • 890€ par trimestre pour un rachat au titre des trimestres et des points.


Attention : vous ne pouvez pas valider plus de 4 trimestres par année civile, tous types de trimestres confondus (trimestres cotisés grâce à un revenu d’activité et trimestres rachetés).

Pour en savoir plus, voir le paragraphe "Les périodes concernées".

  • There are 3 available options depending on the scheme to which you apply to purchase quarters. Indeed, through purchasing quarters, you can either add to your length of insurance, increase your pension rate, or both.

To learn more about your purchasing options, please refer to the website of the pension scheme to which you will be applying.


  • Up to 12 quarters can be purchased (1 year = 4 quarters).


Current and former higher education students can purchase up to 4 of these 12 quarters at a reduced rate, as can those who had an apprenticeship contract between January 1st, 1972 and December 31st, 2013.

  • If certain requirements are met, payments can be made in installments over 1, 3, or 5 years. If you apply through a special scheme (including the public service), installments can be made over 3, 5, or 7 years.


Important information:

Purchasing quarters for your years in higher education will not make you eligible for early retirement (on the basis of a long career or disabled worker status).

In most cases, if you apply to purchase quarters through your basic retirement scheme, you will also be able to purchase supplementary pension points.

To learn more, please contact your supplementary pension scheme(s).

Il est possible de demander le remboursement des sommes versées pour certains rachats de trimestres, parmi lesquels le rachat d'années d'études. 

Pour connaître les conditions et les modalités du remboursement, consultez les sites des régimes de retraite concernés :


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