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Over the course of your career, you have worked for your family’s business – in farming, crafts, or commerce- without drawing a salary. Under certain conditions, you can get family helper (“aide familial”) status for those periods, which will then count towards your retirement pension.
You may also be able to buy credits for years during which you were not a member of a retirement pension scheme.
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The MSA (agricultural social mutual fund) runs the basic pension scheme and, as from 2011, it also runs the mandatory supplementary pension scheme (RCO) for family farm helpers.
Eligibility criteria for “family helper” status
“Family helper” status can only be granted to individuals:
At least 16 years of age,
ascendants, descendents, brothers, sisters, or equivalent relations by marriage to the farm owner or to his/her spouse,
who are living on the farm and contribute to its productivity on a regular and ongoing basis without drawing a salary.
If you were granted “family helper” status on or after May 18, 2005, the maximum duration is five years. If you continue to work on the family farm or farming business beyond this five-year period, you will need to opt for a different status.
Contact your MSA to learn what status you may be eligible for.
Mandatory supplementary pension scheme (Retraite complémentaire obligatoire/ RCO)
As from January 1st, 2011, family helpers belong to the mandatory supplementary pension scheme (RCO) through the contributions that are paid by the farm or farming business owner.
Family helpers who worked on the family farm prior to 2011 can receive free pension credits, even if they are currently retired. Under certain conditions, they can receive 66 points per year of work prior to 2011, up to a maximum of 17 years.
Purchasing credits for periods as a family helper
You can pay into your retirement pension on the basis of periods you worked as a family helper during which you did not belong to a mandatory pension scheme.
In addition to the family relationship to the farm owner or to his/her spouse, below are the eligibility criteria in order to purchase credits:
You must have been a family helper after the age of mandatory school enrolment (age 14 for those born up to and including 1952, and age 16 for subsequent birth years) and before the age of membership in the mandatory old-age insurance scheme (age 21 up to January 1st, 1976, and age 18 after that),
The farm on which you were a family helper must have been a member of the obligatory scheme for self-employed agricultural workers (MSA) at the time you report having worked there,
You must have been a family helper between the ages of 14 and 21 on a regular and ongoing basis, without being enrolled in school at the same time and without engaging in any other employment that conferred membership in another mandatory basic scheme.
The RCO contribution is based on the farm or farming business owner’s earned income (flat rate of 1200 times the minimum wage) for the family members working as helpers.
Credits purchased for periods of employment as a family helper are tax-deductible.
For more information on how to purchase credits for these periods, please refer to the MSA website.
If you were a family helper at a business owned by one of your parents between your 18th birthday and March 31, 1983, and were not a member of any Social Security scheme, equivalent quarters may be counted when your pension rate is calculated.