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I have had children

If you have had, adopted, and/or raised children, this will affect how your retirement pension is calculated. Most of France's pension schemes credit additional quarters of insurance and, in certain cases, the amount of your pension may be increased.

When you log in to your pension account, you can access more information on your child-related entitlements under each of your pension schemes, as shown below.

La suite de l'article est personnalisée : vous pouvez vous connecter à votre compte retraite et consulter les informations pour les activités exercées pendant votre carrière.

Vous souhaitez lire la suite sans vous connecter ? Sélectionnez rapidement les activités qui vous intéressent.

Vous pouvez toujours vous connecter à votre compte retraite : accédez à vos services personnalisés (démarches, estimations, vérification  de carrière...).


Private-sector salaried workers, public-sector workers other than civil servants and artist authors

The child's mother is entitled to an 8-quarter length of insurance increase

  • 4 quarters for maternity or adoption,
  • And 4 quarters for child-rearing.


These quarters are not connected to a specific calendar year: rather, they are added on to the member's total length of insurance. Additionally, they are not awarded on top of quarters for parental leave.

To check the eligibility requirements for child-rearing quarters, please refer to the paragraph on this topic.

Important :
  • If the mother dies before the child has become a legal adult, the increases can be awarded to the father if certain requirements are met.
  • If you are or have been a member of more than one pension scheme that awards this insurance-length increase, only one of the schemes will award it to you.

Birth of a child

  • The child's mother is entitled to a 4-quarter length of insurance increase for maternity
  • One of the two parents can be awarded 4 additional quarters for child-rearing; both of the parents can be awarded an increase if they share the 4 quarters between them.

The parents must choose who is awarded the increases or how the quarters are to be divided up during the 6-month period following the child’s 4th birthday, by submitting a declaration form. If no declaration is made, the 4 child-rearing quarters will be granted to the mother, or divided between  the parents if they are of the same  sex.


important :
  • Child-rearing quarters are awarded on a final and permanent basis. This type of award can only be modified if the member who received it dies before the child has become a legal adult. In this case, the award can be transferred over to the surviving parent if s/he meets the eligibility requirements.
  • If you are or have been a member of more than one pension scheme that awards this insurance-length increase, only one of the schemes will award it to you.

To learn more about eligibility for child-rearing quarters, please refer to the paragraph on this topic.


If you have adopted a child

  • Either parent can be awarded a 4-quarter increase for each child on the basis of adoption.
  • Either parent can be awarded an additional 4-quarter increase on the basis of child-rearing.


The parents must choose who is awarded the increases or how the quarters are to be divided up during the 6-month period following the 4th anniversary of the child’s adoption, by submitting the declaration form. If no declaration is made, all 8 quarters will be granted to the adoptive mother, or divided between the parents if they are of the same  sex.

To learn more about eligibility for child-rearing quarters, please refer to the paragraph on this topic.


Important :
  • If you are a third party who has been awarded full parental rights or awarded custody by the courts, you may be eligible for the child-rearing increase. You will need to declare your choice under the same rules as detailed above.
  • If you are or have been a member of more than one pension scheme that awards this insurance-length increase, only one of the schemes will award it to you.


  • You must not have lost your parental rights,
  • You must have lived with the child for all or part of the 4 years following his/her birth or adoption (1 quarter is awarded for each year you lived with the child),
  • Each of the parents must have accrued at least 8 quarters of insurance under a compulsory insurance scheme, except if you raised your child alone for all or part of the 4-year period.


In the event of shared custody or circumstances preventing the member from living with the child (work-related grounds, hospitalizations due to disability, etc.), both parents or the Ihild’s third-party guardians are considered as meeting the requirement to live with the child.

La réforme des retraites est entrée en vigueur le 1er septembre 2023.

Elle prévoit pour les parents une augmentation du montant de certaines retraites : c'est la surcote parentale.

Pour bénéficier de cette surcote, vous devez :

  • être né à partir de 1964 ;
  • avoir enregistré au moins un trimestre maternité, éducation, adoption, enfant handicapé ou congé parental ;
  • et avoir enregistré le nombre de trimestres nécessaire à une retraite à taux plein.


La surcote augmente le montant de la retraite de 1,25% pour chaque trimestre cotisé (dans la limite de 4 trimestres).

Le point de départ de la surcote est fixé :

  • à partir de l'année précédant l'âge légal (soit à 63 ans si vous êtes né à partir de 1968) ;
  • et au-delà de de la durée d'assurance (nombre de trimestres) requise pour une retraite à taux plein.

Top-up to the amount of your pension

The amount of your pension will be automatically topped up by 10% if you have had three or more children. Children whom you reared for 9 years before their 16th  birthday (and who were your or your spouse's dependents) are taken into account.

This top-up will be granted on the date of award of your (personal or survivor's) retirement pension, or the month following the date on which you meet the requirements.


If you were born between January 1st, 1951 and December 31st, 1955

You may be eligible for a full-rate retirement pension once you reach 65, even if you have not accrued the required number of quarters for a full-rate pension. To be eligible, you will need to meet the following 2 requirements:

  • you must have cut back to part-time or stopped working to raise one of these children,
  • and have accrued a minimum number of quarters prior to stopping work or cutting back to part-time.


Important :

If you are or have been a member of more than one scheme that applies this top-up to the amount of your pension, it will be applied by each of these schemes.

If you have cared for a child with a disability, you may be awarded additional quarters.

The supplementary pension scheme for salaried workers in industry, retail, services, and agriculture

Points can be awarded with no contribution requirements during periods of paid maternity or adoption leave.

You will be awarded your supplementary retirement pension at the full rate if you have been awarded your basic retirement pension at the full rate because:

  • you are a "blue-collar mother";
  • or you have been awarded the length of insurance increase for a disabled child;
  • or you have provided real and actual assistance to your child who had been awarded a disability  compensation benefit;
  • or you were born between July 1st, 1951 and December 31st, 2015, you have had or raised three children, and you have stopped working to raise  them.

If certain requirements are met, the Arrco and Agric schemes grant child-related pension top-ups. Your pension will be topped up :

  • if you have one or more dependent children on the date your retire,
  • or if you have had or raised 3 or more children.


Important :

Both types of top-up cannot be taken into account at the same time: only the more advantageous one will be applied to your pension.

Children born or raised

Dependent children

  • those who have an established parent-child relationship with you
  • those whom you have fostered while acting as their guardian,
  • those whom you have fostered and reared for 9 years prior to their 16th birthday, without acting as their guardian.

The top-up for children born or raised is final and permanent.

  • those under the age of 18
  • those between the ages of 18 and 25 (students, apprentices, jobseekers registered with France's unemplyment office "Pole Emploi" and not drawing unemployment insurance benefits)
  • those who are disabled, regardless of age, assuming that their disability was officially recognized prior to their 21st birthday.

The dependent-child(ren)'s top-up is paid up and until the child reaches the predetermined age limit (unless disabled).

Local and hospital-based civil servants

One-year top-up for each child

You are eligible for this top-up if you meet one of the following requirements :

  • you must have stopped working for at least 2 months in order to take parental, maternity, or adoption leave, parental presence leave ("congé de présence parentale"), or extended unpaid leave to raise a child under the age of 8;
  • or have cut back to part-time working hours as of right to raise a child, for an uninterrupted period of at least 4 months (50% of full-time hours), 5 months (60% of full-time hours), or 7 months (70% of full-time hours).


Important :
  • The one-year top-up is awarded even if your child was born before you became a civil servant.
  • The one-year top-up is also awarded to women for a child born prior to 2004 while they were enrolled in higher education, if they went on to become a civil servant within 2 years of earning the degree required to pass the competitive exam for the civil service. If this applies, there is no requirement to have stopped working or cut back to part-time hours.
  • If you are or have been a member of more than one pension scheme that awards this top-up, only one of the schemes will award it to you.
  • Women who gave birth before they joined the public service are entitled to a 2-quarter top-up.
  • Either or both parents can cut back to part-time hours to raise a child by taking parental leave ("congé de présence parentale"), or extended unpaid leave to raise a child under the age of 8. These periods are taken into account at a rate of 100% when the pension is calculated, with a cap of 3 years for each parent.


Important :

If you are or have been a member of more than one pension scheme that awards this top- up, only one of the schemes will award it to you.

La réforme des retraites est entrée en vigueur le 1er septembre 2023.

Elle prévoit pour les parents une augmentation du montant de certaines retraites : c'est la surcote parentale.

Pour bénéficier de cette surcote, vous devez :

  • être né à partir de 1964 ;
  • avoir enregistré au moins un trimestre maternité, éducation, adoption, enfant handicapé ou congé parental ;
  • et avoir enregistré le nombre de trimestres nécessaire à une retraite à taux plein.


La surcote augmente le montant de la retraite de 1,25% pour chaque trimestre cotisé (dans la limite de 4 trimestres).

Le point de départ de la surcote pour les fonctionnaires (hors catégorie active) est fixé :

  • à partir de l'année précédant l'âge légal (soit à 63 ans si vous êtes né à partir de 1968) ;
  • et au-delà de de la durée d'assurance (nombre de trimestres) requise pour une retraite à taux plein.


À noter :

Une période transitoire existe pour les parents nés entre 1964 et 1968 pour bénéficier de la surcote parentale. 

Année de naissance

(fonctionnaire sédentaire)

Année de naissance

(fonctionnaire de catégorie active)

Année de naissance 

(fonctionnaire de catégorie superactive)

Point de départ de la surcote parentale
1964 1969 1974 62 ans
1965 1970 1975 62 ans et 3 mois
1966 1971 1976 62 ans et 6 mois
1967 1972 1977 62 ans et 9 mois

À partir de 1968

À partir de 1973

À partir de 1978 63 ans


You are entitled to a 10% top-up of the gross amount of your pension for your third child, and a 5% top-up for your fourth and for each additional child.

Example :

If you have had five children, your pension will be topped up by 20%.


Eligibility requirements for this top-up

  • The children must have been raised for at least 9 years prior to their 16th birthday, or prior to age 20 if they entitled the member to family benefits up to that   age.
  • The third child must have reached age 16; any additional 5% top-ups are also due when each eligible child reaches age 16.


Important :
  • The total of the pension plus the top-up cannot exceed the wage that is used to calculate your pension.
  • You can be awarded the child-related top-up on top of family benefits or temporary orphan's benefits for which the same children are eligible.
  • If you are or have been a member of more than one scheme that applies this top-up to the amount of your pension, it will be applied by each of these schemes.


Early retirement

You can begin drawing a retirement pension at any age :

  • If you are the mother or father of three children
  • Or if you have raised three children who count toward the child-related top-up for at least 9 years
  • And you have completed 15 years of actual civil or military service. These two requirements must have been met as of January 1st, 2012.


You must also have stopped working or cut back to part-time hours :

  • You must have stopped working for at least 2 months while you were a member of a compulsory retirement pension  scheme,
  • Or have cut back to part-time hours to raise a child, for an uninterrupted period of at least 4, 5, or 7 months depending on whether you were employed at 50, 60, or 70% of full-time hours respectively.

If you are currently raising or have raised a disabled child under the age of 20 in your home, special provisions will be applied by your pension fund.

Private-sector salaried workers, public-sector workers other than civil servants and artist authors

The child's mother is entitled to an 8-quarter length of insurance increase

  • 4 quarters for maternity or adoption,
  • And 4 quarters for child-rearing.


These quarters are not connected to a specific calendar year: rather, they are added on to the member's total length of insurance. Additionally, they are not awarded on top of quarters for parental leave.

To check the eligibility requirements for child-rearing quarters, please refer to the paragraph on this topic.

Important :
  • If the mother dies before the child has become a legal adult, the increases can be awarded to the father if certain requirements are met.
  • If you are or have been a member of more than one pension scheme that awards this insurance-length increase, only one of the schemes will award it to you.

Birth of a child

  • The child's mother is entitled to a 4-quarter length of insurance increase for maternity
  • One of the two parents can be awarded 4 additional quarters for child-rearing; both of the parents can be awarded an increase if they share the 4 quarters between them.

The parents must choose who is awarded the increases or how the quarters are to be divided up during the 6-month period following the child’s 4th birthday, by submitting a declaration form. If no declaration is made, the 4 child-rearing quarters will be granted to the mother, or divided between  the parents if they are of the same  sex.


important :
  • Child-rearing quarters are awarded on a final and permanent basis. This type of award can only be modified if the member who received it dies before the child has become a legal adult. In this case, the award can be transferred over to the surviving parent if s/he meets the eligibility requirements.
  • If you are or have been a member of more than one pension scheme that awards this insurance-length increase, only one of the schemes will award it to you.

To learn more about eligibility for child-rearing quarters, please refer to the paragraph on this topic.


If you have adopted a child

  • Either parent can be awarded a 4-quarter increase for each child on the basis of adoption.
  • Either parent can be awarded an additional 4-quarter increase on the basis of child-rearing.


The parents must choose who is awarded the increases or how the quarters are to be divided up during the 6-month period following the 4th anniversary of the child’s adoption, by submitting the declaration form. If no declaration is made, all 8 quarters will be granted to the adoptive mother, or divided between the parents if they are of the same  sex.

To learn more about eligibility for child-rearing quarters, please refer to the paragraph on this topic.


Important :
  • If you are a third party who has been awarded full parental rights or awarded custody by the courts, you may be eligible for the child-rearing increase. You will need to declare your choice under the same rules as detailed above.
  • If you are or have been a member of more than one pension scheme that awards this insurance-length increase, only one of the schemes will award it to you.


  • You must not have lost your parental rights,
  • You must have lived with the child for all or part of the 4 years following his/her birth or adoption (1 quarter is awarded for each year you lived with the child),
  • Each of the parents must have accrued at least 8 quarters of insurance under a compulsory insurance scheme, except if you raised your child alone for all or part of the 4-year period.


In the event of shared custody or circumstances preventing the member from living with the child (work-related grounds, hospitalizations due to disability, etc.), both parents or the Ihild’s third-party guardians are considered as meeting the requirement to live with the child.

La réforme des retraites est entrée en vigueur le 1er septembre 2023.

Elle prévoit pour les parents une augmentation du montant de certaines retraites : c'est la surcote parentale.

Pour bénéficier de cette surcote, vous devez :

  • être né à partir de 1964 ;
  • avoir enregistré au moins un trimestre maternité, éducation, adoption, enfant handicapé ou congé parental ;
  • et avoir enregistré le nombre de trimestres nécessaire à une retraite à taux plein.


La surcote augmente le montant de la retraite de 1,25% pour chaque trimestre cotisé (dans la limite de 4 trimestres).

Le point de départ de la surcote est fixé :

  • à partir de l'année précédant l'âge légal (soit à 63 ans si vous êtes né à partir de 1968) ;
  • et au-delà de de la durée d'assurance (nombre de trimestres) requise pour une retraite à taux plein.

Top-up to the amount of your pension

The amount of your pension will be automatically topped up by 10% if you have had three or more children. Children whom you reared for 9 years before their 16th  birthday (and who were your or your spouse's dependents) are taken into account.

This top-up will be granted on the date of award of your (personal or survivor's) retirement pension, or the month following the date on which you meet the requirements.


If you were born between January 1st, 1951 and December 31st, 1955

You may be eligible for a full-rate retirement pension once you reach 65, even if you have not accrued the required number of quarters for a full-rate pension. To be eligible, you will need to meet the following 2 requirements:

  • you must have cut back to part-time or stopped working to raise one of these children,
  • and have accrued a minimum number of quarters prior to stopping work or cutting back to part-time.


Important :

If you are or have been a member of more than one scheme that applies this top-up to the amount of your pension, it will be applied by each of these schemes.

If you have cared for a child with a disability, you may be awarded additional quarters.

Les enfants que vous avez eus et, sous certaines conditions, que vous avez élevés donnent éventuellement droit à une majoration de points à partir de trois enfants.

Pour les enfants autres que les vôtres (enfants recueillis (élevés), dont les enfants sous tutelle) : vous devez les avoir élevés et les avoir eus à votre charge ou à celle de votre conjoint pendant au moins 9 ans avant leur 16ème anniversaire.

Le pourcentage dépend du nombre d’enfants concernés :

  • 10 % pour trois enfants ;
  • 15 % pour quatre enfants ;
  • 20 % pour cinq enfants ;
  • 25 % pour six enfants ;
  • 30 % à partir de sept enfants.
Salaried workers in agriculture, farmers and their families

The child's mother is entitled to an 8-quarter length of insurance increase

  • 4 quarters for maternity or adoption,
  • And 4 quarters for child-rearing.


These quarters are not connected to a specific calendar year: rather, they are added on to the member's total length of insurance. Additionally, they are not awarded on top of quarters for parental leave.

To check the eligibility requirements for child-rearing quarters, please refer to the paragraph on this topic.

Important :
  • If the mother dies before the child has become a legal adult, the increases can be awarded to the father if certain requirements are met.
  • If you are or have been a member of more than one pension scheme that awards this insurance-length increase, only one of the schemes will award it to you.

Birth of a child

  • The child's mother is entitled to a 4-quarter length of insurance increase for maternity
  • One of the two parents can be awarded 4 additional quarters for child-rearing; both of the parents can be awarded an increase if they share the 4 quarters between them.

The parents must choose who is awarded the increases or how the quarters are to be divided up during the 6-month period following the child’s 4th birthday, by submitting a declaration form. If no declaration is made, the 4 child-rearing quarters will be granted to the mother, or divided between  the parents if they are of the same  sex.


important :
  • Child-rearing quarters are awarded on a final and permanent basis. This type of award can only be modified if the member who received it dies before the child has become a legal adult. In this case, the award can be transferred over to the surviving parent if s/he meets the eligibility requirements.
  • If you are or have been a member of more than one pension scheme that awards this insurance-length increase, only one of the schemes will award it to you.

To learn more about eligibility for child-rearing quarters, please refer to the paragraph on this topic.


If you have adopted a child

  • Either parent can be awarded a 4-quarter increase for each child on the basis of adoption.
  • Either parent can be awarded an additional 4-quarter increase on the basis of child-rearing.


The parents must choose who is awarded the increases or how the quarters are to be divided up during the 6-month period following the 4th anniversary of the child’s adoption, by submitting the declaration form. If no declaration is made, all 8 quarters will be granted to the adoptive mother, or divided between the parents if they are of the same  sex.

To learn more about eligibility for child-rearing quarters, please refer to the paragraph on this topic.


Important :
  • If you are a third party who has been awarded full parental rights or awarded custody by the courts, you may be eligible for the child-rearing increase. You will need to declare your choice under the same rules as detailed above.
  • If you are or have been a member of more than one pension scheme that awards this insurance-length increase, only one of the schemes will award it to you.


  • You must not have lost your parental rights,
  • You must have lived with the child for all or part of the 4 years following his/her birth or adoption (1 quarter is awarded for each year you lived with the child),
  • Each of the parents must have accrued at least 8 quarters of insurance under a compulsory insurance scheme, except if you raised your child alone for all or part of the 4-year period.


In the event of shared custody or circumstances preventing the member from living with the child (work-related grounds, hospitalizations due to disability, etc.), both parents or the Ihild’s third-party guardians are considered as meeting the requirement to live with the child.

La réforme des retraites est entrée en vigueur le 1er septembre 2023.

Elle prévoit pour les parents une augmentation du montant de certaines retraites : c'est la surcote parentale.

Pour bénéficier de cette surcote, vous devez :

  • être né à partir de 1964 ;
  • avoir enregistré au moins un trimestre maternité, éducation, adoption, enfant handicapé ou congé parental ;
  • et avoir enregistré le nombre de trimestres nécessaire à une retraite à taux plein.


La surcote augmente le montant de la retraite de 1,25% pour chaque trimestre cotisé (dans la limite de 4 trimestres).

Le point de départ de la surcote est fixé :

  • à partir de l'année précédant l'âge légal (soit à 63 ans si vous êtes né à partir de 1968) ;
  • et au-delà de de la durée d'assurance (nombre de trimestres) requise pour une retraite à taux plein.

Top-up to the amount of your pension

The amount of your pension will be automatically topped up by 10% if you have had three or more children. Children whom you reared for 9 years before their 16th  birthday (and who were your or your spouse's dependents) are taken into account.

This top-up will be granted on the date of award of your (personal or survivor's) retirement pension, or the month following the date on which you meet the requirements.

Important :

If you are or have been a member of more than one scheme that applies this top-up to the amount of your pension, it will be applied by each of these schemes.


If you were born between January 1st, 1951 and December 31st, 1955

You may be eligible for a full-rate retirement pension once you reach 65, even if you have not accrued the required number of quarters for a full-rate pension (see table below). To be eligible, you will need to meet the following 2 requirements :

  • you must have cut back to part-time or stopped working to raise one of these children,
  • and have accrued a minimum number of quarters prior to stopping work or cutting back to part-time.


Length of insurance required for a full-rate pension

Year of birth

Number of quarters required for the full rate











If you have cared for a child with a disability, you may be awarded additional quarters.

Private-sector salaried workers, public-sector workers other than civil servants and artist authors

The child's mother is entitled to an 8-quarter length of insurance increase

  • 4 quarters for maternity or adoption,
  • And 4 quarters for child-rearing.


These quarters are not connected to a specific calendar year: rather, they are added on to the member's total length of insurance. Additionally, they are not awarded on top of quarters for parental leave.

To check the eligibility requirements for child-rearing quarters, please refer to the paragraph on this topic.

Important :
  • If the mother dies before the child has become a legal adult, the increases can be awarded to the father if certain requirements are met.
  • If you are or have been a member of more than one pension scheme that awards this insurance-length increase, only one of the schemes will award it to you.

Birth of a child

  • The child's mother is entitled to a 4-quarter length of insurance increase for maternity
  • One of the two parents can be awarded 4 additional quarters for child-rearing; both of the parents can be awarded an increase if they share the 4 quarters between them.

The parents must choose who is awarded the increases or how the quarters are to be divided up during the 6-month period following the child’s 4th birthday, by submitting a declaration form. If no declaration is made, the 4 child-rearing quarters will be granted to the mother, or divided between  the parents if they are of the same  sex.


important :
  • Child-rearing quarters are awarded on a final and permanent basis. This type of award can only be modified if the member who received it dies before the child has become a legal adult. In this case, the award can be transferred over to the surviving parent if s/he meets the eligibility requirements.
  • If you are or have been a member of more than one pension scheme that awards this insurance-length increase, only one of the schemes will award it to you.

To learn more about eligibility for child-rearing quarters, please refer to the paragraph on this topic.


If you have adopted a child

  • Either parent can be awarded a 4-quarter increase for each child on the basis of adoption.
  • Either parent can be awarded an additional 4-quarter increase on the basis of child-rearing.


The parents must choose who is awarded the increases or how the quarters are to be divided up during the 6-month period following the 4th anniversary of the child’s adoption, by submitting the declaration form. If no declaration is made, all 8 quarters will be granted to the adoptive mother, or divided between the parents if they are of the same  sex.

To learn more about eligibility for child-rearing quarters, please refer to the paragraph on this topic.


Important :
  • If you are a third party who has been awarded full parental rights or awarded custody by the courts, you may be eligible for the child-rearing increase. You will need to declare your choice under the same rules as detailed above.
  • If you are or have been a member of more than one pension scheme that awards this insurance-length increase, only one of the schemes will award it to you.


  • You must not have lost your parental rights,
  • You must have lived with the child for all or part of the 4 years following his/her birth or adoption (1 quarter is awarded for each year you lived with the child),
  • Each of the parents must have accrued at least 8 quarters of insurance under a compulsory insurance scheme, except if you raised your child alone for all or part of the 4-year period.


In the event of shared custody or circumstances preventing the member from living with the child (work-related grounds, hospitalizations due to disability, etc.), both parents or the Ihild’s third-party guardians are considered as meeting the requirement to live with the child.

La réforme des retraites est entrée en vigueur le 1er septembre 2023.

Elle prévoit pour les parents une augmentation du montant de certaines retraites : c'est la surcote parentale.

Pour bénéficier de cette surcote, vous devez :

  • être né à partir de 1964 ;
  • avoir enregistré au moins un trimestre maternité, éducation, adoption, enfant handicapé ou congé parental ;
  • et avoir enregistré le nombre de trimestres nécessaire à une retraite à taux plein.


La surcote augmente le montant de la retraite de 1,25% pour chaque trimestre cotisé (dans la limite de 4 trimestres).

Le point de départ de la surcote est fixé :

  • à partir de l'année précédant l'âge légal (soit à 63 ans si vous êtes né à partir de 1968) ;
  • et au-delà de de la durée d'assurance (nombre de trimestres) requise pour une retraite à taux plein.

Top-up to the amount of your pension

The amount of your pension will be automatically topped up by 10% if you have had three or more children. Children whom you reared for 9 years before their 16th  birthday (and who were your or your spouse's dependents) are taken into account.

This top-up will be granted on the date of award of your (personal or survivor's) retirement pension, or the month following the date on which you meet the requirements.


If you were born between January 1st, 1951 and December 31st, 1955

You may be eligible for a full-rate retirement pension once you reach 65, even if you have not accrued the required number of quarters for a full-rate pension. To be eligible, you will need to meet the following 2 requirements:

  • you must have cut back to part-time or stopped working to raise one of these children,
  • and have accrued a minimum number of quarters prior to stopping work or cutting back to part-time.


Important :

If you are or have been a member of more than one scheme that applies this top-up to the amount of your pension, it will be applied by each of these schemes.

If you have cared for a child with a disability, you may be awarded additional quarters.

Private-practice professionals

The child's mother is entitled to an 8-quarter length of insurance increase

  • 4 quarters for maternity or adoption,
  • And 4 quarters for child-rearing.


These quarters are not connected to a specific calendar year: rather, they are added on to the member's total length of insurance. Additionally, they are not awarded on top of quarters for parental leave.

To check the eligibility requirements for child-rearing quarters, please refer to the paragraph on this topic.

Important :
  • If the mother dies before the child has become a legal adult, the increases can be awarded to the father if certain requirements are met.
  • If you are or have been a member of more than one pension scheme that awards this insurance-length increase, only one of the schemes will award it to you.

Birth of a child

  • The child's mother is entitled to a 4-quarter length of insurance increase for maternity
  • One of the two parents can be awarded 4 additional quarters for child-rearing; both of the parents can be awarded an increase if they share the 4 quarters between them.

The parents must choose who is awarded the increases or how the quarters are to be divided up during the 6-month period following the child’s 4th birthday, by submitting a declaration form. If no declaration is made, the 4 child-rearing quarters will be granted to the mother, or divided between  the parents if they are of the same  sex.


important :
  • Child-rearing quarters are awarded on a final and permanent basis. This type of award can only be modified if the member who received it dies before the child has become a legal adult. In this case, the award can be transferred over to the surviving parent if s/he meets the eligibility requirements.
  • If you are or have been a member of more than one pension scheme that awards this insurance-length increase, only one of the schemes will award it to you.

To learn more about eligibility for child-rearing quarters, please refer to the paragraph on this topic.


If you have adopted a child

  • Either parent can be awarded a 4-quarter increase for each child on the basis of adoption.
  • Either parent can be awarded an additional 4-quarter increase on the basis of child-rearing.


The parents must choose who is awarded the increases or how the quarters are to be divided up during the 6-month period following the 4th anniversary of the child’s adoption, by submitting the declaration form. If no declaration is made, all 8 quarters will be granted to the adoptive mother, or divided between the parents if they are of the same  sex.

To learn more about eligibility for child-rearing quarters, please refer to the paragraph on this topic.


Important :
  • If you are a third party who has been awarded full parental rights or awarded custody by the courts, you may be eligible for the child-rearing increase. You will need to declare your choice under the same rules as detailed above.
  • If you are or have been a member of more than one pension scheme that awards this insurance-length increase, only one of the schemes will award it to you.


La réforme des retraites est entrée en vigueur le 1er septembre 2023.

Elle prévoit pour les parents une augmentation du montant de certaines retraites : c'est la surcote parentale.

Pour bénéficier de cette surcote, vous devez avoir :

  • enregistré au moins un trimestre au titre d’une des majorations d'assurance pour enfants (éducation, maternité, adoption, enfant handicapé, congé parental) ;
  • au moins 63 ans ;
  • atteint la durée d’assurance nécessaire pour avoir le taux plein à 63 ans.


La majoration augmente le montant de la retraite de 1,25% pour chaque trimestre cotisé après 63 ans, dans la limite de 5%.

Top-up to the amount of your pension

The amount of your pension will be automatically topped up by 10% if you have had three or more children. Children whom you reared for 9 years before their 16th  birthday (and who were your or your spouse's dependents) are taken into account.

This top-up will be granted on the date of award of your (personal or survivor's) retirement pension, or the month following the date on which you meet the requirements.

Important :

If you are or have been a member of more than one scheme that applies this top-up to the amount of your pension, it will be applied by each of these schemes.


If you were born between January 1st, 1951 and December 31st, 1955

You may be eligible for a full-rate retirement pension once you reach 65, even if you have not accrued the required number of quarters for a full-rate pension (see table below). To be eligible, you will need to meet the following 2 requirements :

  • you must have cut back to part-time or stopped working to raise one of these children,
  • and have accrued a minimum number of quarters prior to stopping work or cutting back to part-time.


Length of insurance required for a full-rate pension

Year of birth

Number of quarters required for the full rate











The doctors’ supplementary pension scheme


If you or your spouse have had or raised three or more children for at least 9 years prior to their 16th birthday, the amount of your supplementary pensions and supplementary old-age benefits will be topped up by 10%.



If you are or have been a member of more than one scheme that applies this top-up to the amount of your pension, it will be applied by each of these schemes.

The pharmacists’ supplementary pension scheme


If you or your spouse have had or raised three or more children for at least 9 years prior to their 16th birthday, the amount of your supplementary pensions and supplementary old-age benefits will be topped up by 10%.


Important :

If you are or have been a member of more than one scheme that applies this top-up to the amount of your pension, it will be applied by each of these schemes.

Dental surgeons and midwives


Your supplementary pension

  • If you or your spouse have had or raised three or more children for at least 9 years prior to their 16th  birthday, the amount of your supplementary pensions and supplementary old-age benefits ("prestations complémentaires de vieillesse" / PCV) will be topped up by 10%.
Important :

If you are or have been a member of more than one scheme that applies this top-up to the amount of your pension, it will be applied by each of these schemes.


  • If you have given birth to one or more children, you can retire one year earlier for each child you have had with no early-retirement penalty. This is capped at 5 years and based on the impact of motherhood, particularly pregnancy and childbirth, on your career.
Dental surgeons and midwives


Your supplementary pension

  • If you or your spouse have had or raised three or more children for at least 9 years prior to their 16th  birthday, the amount of your supplementary pensions and supplementary old-age benefits ("prestations complémentaires de vieillesse" / PCV) will be topped up by 10%.
Important :

If you are or have been a member of more than one scheme that applies this top-up to the amount of your pension, it will be applied by each of these schemes.


  • If you have given birth to one or more children, you can retire one year earlier for each child you have had with no early-retirement penalty. This is capped at 5 years and based on the impact of motherhood, particularly pregnancy and childbirth, on your career.
Dental surgeons and midwives


Your supplementary pension

  • If you or your spouse have had or raised three or more children for at least 9 years prior to their 16th  birthday, the amount of your supplementary pensions and supplementary old-age benefits ("prestations complémentaires de vieillesse" / PCV) will be topped up by 10%.
Important :

If you are or have been a member of more than one scheme that applies this top-up to the amount of your pension, it will be applied by each of these schemes.


  • If you have given birth to one or more children, you can retire one year earlier for each child you have had with no early-retirement penalty. This is capped at 5 years and based on the impact of motherhood, particularly pregnancy and childbirth, on your career.
Dental surgeons and midwives


Your supplementary pension

  • If you or your spouse have had or raised three or more children for at least 9 years prior to their 16th  birthday, the amount of your supplementary pensions and supplementary old-age benefits ("prestations complémentaires de vieillesse" / PCV) will be topped up by 10%.
Important :

If you are or have been a member of more than one scheme that applies this top-up to the amount of your pension, it will be applied by each of these schemes.


  • If you have given birth to one or more children, you can retire one year earlier for each child you have had with no early-retirement penalty. This is capped at 5 years and based on the impact of motherhood, particularly pregnancy and childbirth, on your career.
Dental surgeons and midwives


Your supplementary pension

  • If you or your spouse have had or raised three or more children for at least 9 years prior to their 16th  birthday, the amount of your supplementary pensions and supplementary old-age benefits ("prestations complémentaires de vieillesse" / PCV) will be topped up by 10%.
Important :

If you are or have been a member of more than one scheme that applies this top-up to the amount of your pension, it will be applied by each of these schemes.


  • If you have given birth to one or more children, you can retire one year earlier for each child you have had with no early-retirement penalty. This is capped at 5 years and based on the impact of motherhood, particularly pregnancy and childbirth, on your career.
The supplementary pension scheme for general insurance agents


  • If you have had at least three children (legitimate, out-of-wedlock, adopted, wards of the  State for whom you are a guardian, or foster children) or have raised them for at least 9    years prior to their 16th  birthday, you will be awarded a 10% increase in the number of points you have accrued under the supplementary scheme ("RCO").
Important :

If you are or have been a member of more than one scheme that applies this top-up to the amount of your pension, it will be applied by each of these schemes.


  • On the date you claim your pension, if you declare a dependent disabled child who is drawing the disabled child's education allowance ("allocation d'éducation d el'enfant handicapé") or the disabled adult's allowance ("allocation d'adulte handicapé"), you will also be awarded a 5% top-up to the number of points accrued under your supplementary ("RCO") scheme.
Dental surgeons and midwives


Your supplementary pension

  • If you or your spouse have had or raised three or more children for at least 9 years prior to their 16th  birthday, the amount of your supplementary pensions and supplementary old-age benefits ("prestations complémentaires de vieillesse" / PCV) will be topped up by 10%.
Important :

If you are or have been a member of more than one scheme that applies this top-up to the amount of your pension, it will be applied by each of these schemes.


  • If you have given birth to one or more children, you can retire one year earlier for each child you have had with no early-retirement penalty. This is capped at 5 years and based on the impact of motherhood, particularly pregnancy and childbirth, on your career.
The Cipav scheme's supplementary pension fund


If you or your spouse have had or raised three or more children for at least 9 years prior to their 16th birthday, the amount of your supplementary pensions and supplementary old-age benefits will be topped up by 10%.


Important :

If you are or have been a member of more than one scheme that applies this top-up to the amount of your pension, it will be applied by each of these schemes.



You are eligible for a full-rate retirement pension at age 65 if you meet one of the following requirements :

  • You must have been born between July 1st, 1951 and December 31st, 1955, and have had or raised at least 3 children, cut back to part-time hours or stopped working to raise one of these children, and have accrued a minimum number of quarters before your stopped working;
  • Or stopped working to be a family caregiver ("aidant familial") for a child with a disability;
  • Or have been awarded at least a 1-quarter length of insurance increase for a child with a disability;
  • Or have been family caregiver or employee for at least 30 months in order to provide real and actual assistance to your child who had been awarded a disability compensation benefit ("prestation de compensation du handicap").
The supplementary pension scheme for civil aviation cabin crew


If you had or raised 3 or more children for at least 9 years during your period of contributions, you may be eligible for a top-up to the amount of your supplementary retirement pension if you can produce the required supporting documents.

Notary's clercks and employees

You may be eligible for a 4-quarter top-up for each child.

To be eligible, one of the following 2 requirements must be met for each child :

  • You must have stopped working for an interrupted period of at least 2 months in order to take maternity or adoption leave, child-rearing leave ("congé parental d'éducation"), or parental presence leave ("congé de présence parentale"),
  • or have cut back to part-time employment in order to raise your child, with a number of hours not worked over an uninterrupted period that is equivalent to 2 months of leave.


Example : if you cut back to 50% of full-time employment, this uninterrupted period must be at least 4 months long.

This top-up will be incorporated into your length of insurance under your scheme in order to calculate your pension rate, and into your length of insurance under all schemes combined to calculate the threshold at which a rate reduction or a rate increase applies.


Important :

If you are or have been a member of more than one pension scheme that awards this insurance- length top-up, only one of the schemes will award it to you.

Insurance-length increase for childbirth

  • For women who gave birth while they were CRPCEN members: 2 quarters are awarded for their first child, plus 4 quarters for each additional child.
  • This insurance-length increase cannot be awarded on top of the increase for child-rearing leave ("congé parental d'éducation") or for parental presence leave ("congé de présence parentale").

It will be incorporated into your length of insurance under all schemes combined to calculate the threshold at which a rate reduction or a rate increase applies.


Important :

If you are or have been a member of more than one pension scheme that awards this insurance- length top-up, only one of the schemes will award it to you.


Length of insurance increase for parental presence leave ("congé de présence parentale")

Periods of parental presence leave can result in a length of insurance increase of up to 6 quarters. This increase cannot be awarded on top of the length of insurance increase for children born on or after July 1st, 2006 (see above).

This top-up will be incorporated into your length of insurance under your scheme in order to calculate your pension rate, and into your length of insurance under all schemes combined to calculate the threshold at which a rate reduction or a rate increase applies.

Pension increase

If you have raised three or more children up to age 16, you are entitled to an increase in the amount of your pension. If you are not the parent of one or more of these children, you must also have raised the child(ren) for at least 9 years.

This increase amounts to 10% for the first three children, plus 5% for the 4th and each additional child. The yearly amount of your topped-up pension cannot exceed your average yearly salary.

Example : If you have raised 4 children up to age 16, the amount of your pension will be increased by 15%.

The increase is awarded on your pension's effective date, if all of your children old on that date. Otherwise, you will need to apply for it when your third child turns 16 and, if applicable, each time one of your additional children turns 16.


Important :

If you are or have been a member of more than one scheme that applies this top-up to the amount of your pension, it will be applied by each of these schemes.


Early retirement

If you have had or raised three or more children for at least 9 years, you may be eligible for early retirement.

To be eligible, you must have accrued a total of at least 15 years of periods of contributions and treated-as periods under the CRPCEN scheme. Additionally, for each of your children, you must have :

  • Stopped working for at least 2 consecutive months in order to take maternity, adoption, or paternity leave, child-rearing leave ("congé parental d'éducation"), or parental presence leave ("congé de présence parentale"),
  • or have cut back to part-time employment in order to raise your child, with a number of hours not worked over an uninterrupted period that is equivalent to 2 months of leave.

Example: if you cut back to 50% of full-time employment, this uninterrupted period must be at least 4 months long.


Important :

This early retirement program closed on January 1st, 2017. However, if you met the eligibility requirements prior to that date, you can still apply for early retirement beyond December 31st, 2016.

If you are currently caring for or have cared for a child with a disability severity rating of at least 80%, special provisions will be applied by your pension fund.

SNCF workers

Periods during which you stopped working or cut back to part-time hours to raise birth, adoptive, or foster children are credited to your account. They are counted toward your length of service :

  • With a cap of 12 quarters (3 years) per child born or adopted on or after July 1st, 2008
  • With a cap of 4 quarters (1 year) per child born or adopted prior to that date.
  • Les femmes ayant accouché après leur recrutement dans une entreprise ferroviaire bénéficient d’une majoration de 2 trimestres.

  • Les femmes ayant accouché avant leur recrutement dans une entreprise ferroviaire et disposant d’au moins 1 trimestre d’affiliation auprès du régime général  peuvent bénéficier d’une majoration de durée d’assurance par ce régime (voir le paragraphe dédié aux salariés du secteur privé, contractuels de la fonction publique et artistes auteurs).


À noter :
  • Cette majoration n’est pas cumulable avec la prise en compte gratuite des périodes d’interruption et de réduction d’activité, lorsque celles-ci sont supérieures ou égales à 2 trimestres
  • Si vous êtes ou avez été affilié à plusieurs régimes de retraite qui prévoient cette majoration de durée d'assurance, un seul d’entre eux vous l’attribuera.


Ne peuvent pas bénéficier de la majoration pour enfants les parents ayant été déchus de l'autorité parentale ou dont l'autorité parentale a été retirée suite à une condamnation pénale. Cette exclusion s'applique aux condamnations effectives à partir du 1er septembre 2023 pour des atteintes volontaires à la vie ou à l'intégrité de la personne, lorsque ces crimes et délits sont commis à l'encontre d'un des enfants.

The child-rearing pension top-up

You are entitled to a 10% top-up of the gross amount of your pension for your third child, and a 5% top-up for your fourth and for each additional child.


If you have had five children, your pension will be topped up by 20%.


Eligibility requirements for this top-up

  • The children must have been raised for at least 9 years prior to their 16th birthday, or prior to age 20 if they entitled the member to family benefits up to that age.
  • The third child must have reached age 16; any additional 5% top-ups are also due when each eligible child reaches age 16.


Important :
  • The total of the pension plus the top-up cannot exceed your base salary.
  • If you are or have been a member of more than one scheme that applies this top-up to the amount of your pension, it will be applied by each of these schemes.


Early retirement for mothers/fathers

If you have "cheminot" status, ┞ou ┘ill be eligible for early retirement if you meet the following three requirements :

  • Have three children or have raised three children who entitle you to the child-rearing pension top-up for at least 9 years.
  • Have accrued 15 years of actual service with the French railway system SNCF,
  • Have stopped working for an interrupted period of at least 2 months for each child,
  • or have cut back to part-time employment with a number of hours not worked over an uninterrupted period that is equivalent to 2 months of leave.


Important :

The early-retirement program for parents of three children will end as of January 1st, 2017, for staff who did not meet the eligibility requirements listed above prior to that date.

If you have raised a disabled child under the age of 21 in your home and the child has a disability severity rating of at least 80%, special provisions will be applied by your pension fund.

RATP employees


If you have raised three children for 9 years prior to each child's 20th birthday, you are eligible for a 10% increase to your retirement  pension.

Beyond your third child, you will be awarded 5% for each additional child.

Important :

If you are or have been a member of more than one scheme that applies this top-up to the amount of your pension, it will be applied by each of these schemes.

Electrical and gas industry employees


Length of insurance increase for childbirth

For women who gave birth on or after July 1st, 2008 : 2 quarters are awarded for your first child, and 4 quarters for each additional child.

Important :

If you are or have been a member of more than one pension scheme that awards this insurance-length increase, only one of the schemes will award it to you.


Periods of no or part-time employment credited to your account free of charge

If you have cut back to part-time or stopped working to raise children born, adopted (simple or full adoptions), or fostered one or after July 1st 2008: a maximum total of 12 quarters for any eligible periods will be credited to your account with no contribution  requirement.

If you have raised three or more children as a birth, adoptive, or foster parent for 9 years before their 20th birthday: you may be eligible for a top-up to the amount of pension. A 10% top-up is granted for three children plus an additional 5% for each additional child.


Important :

If you are or have been a member of more than one pension scheme that awards this pension top-up, each of the schemes will award it to you.

If you have raised a disabled child under the age of 20 in your home due to birth, adoption, or fostering, and the child has a disability severity rating of at least 80%, special provisions will be applied by your pension fund.

You are eligible for a one-year top-up for each child. This top-up is doubled for your second child if you have no more than two children.

To be awarded this top-up, you must meet one of the following requirements :

  • you must have cut back to part-time employment, with a number of hours not worked equivalent to 2 months of leave (your working time must have been less than 90% of the statutory or contractually agreed full-time work week);
  • or have stopped working for an interrupted period of at least 2 months in order to take maternity, paternity, or adoption leave, child-rearing leave("congé parental d'éducation"), parental presence leave ("congé de présence parentale"), or unpaid leave to raise young children or to raise a child under the age of 8.

In either scenario, the eligible period must begin and end between :

  • the 1st  day of the 4th  week prior to the birth or  adoption,
  • and the last day of the 36th  month following the birth or adoption.


Important :

The requirement to cut back or stop working does not apply to the following two scenarios :

  • if you raised each of the eligible children as a single parent for at least 9 years before they ceased being your dependents,
  • you had not been employed over an uninterrupted period of at least 2 months at the time of the child's birth or adoption, assuming that you did not pay compulsory contributions on the basis of that period to a basic retirement pension scheme.


 Réforme des retraites :

 À compter du 1er septembre 2023, pour les nouveaux salariés des industries électriques et gazières, les droits   à la retraite seront validés auprès :

  • du régime l’Assurance retraite pour la retraite de base ;
  • et du régime Agirc-Arrco pour la retraite complémentaire.


 Si vous avez été recruté sous statut avant le 1er septembre 2023, les informations affichées dans cet article   restent valables.

Opera national de Paris's personnel


As from July 1st, 2008, pursuant to the coordination rules that apply to the various pension schemes :

  • A 1-year insurance length increase is awarded to women who stopped working prior to June 30, 2008, in order to take maternity or adoption leave or to take care of a child she raised for at least 9 years (before the child reached age 21). Important: if you are or have been a member of more than one pension scheme that awards this insurance length increase, only one of the schemes will award it to you.
  • Parents who totally or partially stopped working on or after July 1st, 2008 (entitlement to part time) in order to raise a child by taking parental leave or parental presence leave are entitled to a top-up equal to their time off work, up to a maximum of 3 years.
  • 2 additional quarters are awarded to women who gave birth to one or more children on or after July 1st, 2008, but did not stop working to take one of the types of leave mentioned in the paragraph above.
Dental surgeons and midwives


Your supplementary pension

  • If you or your spouse have had or raised three or more children for at least 9 years prior to their 16th  birthday, the amount of your supplementary pensions and supplementary old-age benefits ("prestations complémentaires de vieillesse" / PCV) will be topped up by 10%.
Important :

If you are or have been a member of more than one scheme that applies this top-up to the amount of your pension, it will be applied by each of these schemes.


  • If you have given birth to one or more children, you can retire one year earlier for each child you have had with no early-retirement penalty. This is capped at 5 years and based on the impact of motherhood, particularly pregnancy and childbirth, on your career.
members of the religious organization's scheme

The child's mother is entitled to an 8-quarter length of insurance increase

  • 4 quarters for maternity or adoption,
  • And 4 quarters for child-rearing.

These quarters are not connected to a specific calendar year: rather, they are added on to the member's total length of insurance. Additionally, they are not awarded on top of quarters for parental leave.

To check the eligibility requirements for child-rearing quarters, please refer to the paragraph on this topic.

Important :
  • If the mother dies before the child has become a legal adult, the increases can be awarded to the father if certain requirements are met.
  • If you are or have been a member of more than one pension scheme that awards this insurance-length increase, only one of the schemes will award it to you.

Birth of a child

  • The child's mother is entitled to a 4-quarter length of insurance increase for maternity
  • One of the two parents can be awarded 4 additional quarters for child-rearing; both of the parents can be awarded an increase if they share the 4 quarters between them.

The parents must choose who is awarded the increases or how the quarters are to be divided up during the 6-month period following the child’s 4th birthday, by submitting a declaration form. If no declaration is made, the 4 child-rearing quarters will be granted to the mother, or divided between  the parents if they are of the same  sex.


important :
  • Child-rearing quarters are awarded on a final and permanent basis. This type of award can only be modified if the member who received it dies before the child has become a legal adult. In this case, the award can be transferred over to the surviving parent if s/he meets the eligibility requirements.
  • If you are or have been a member of more than one pension scheme that awards this insurance-length increase, only one of the schemes will award it to you.

To learn more about eligibility for child-rearing quarters, please refer to the paragraph on this topic.


If you have adopted a child

  • Either parent can be awarded a 4-quarter increase for each child on the basis of adoption.
  • Either parent can be awarded an additional 4-quarter increase on the basis of child-rearing.


The parents must choose who is awarded the increases or how the quarters are to be divided up during the 6-month period following the 4th anniversary of the child’s adoption, by submitting the declaration form. If no declaration is made, all 8 quarters will be granted to the adoptive mother, or divided between the parents if they are of the same  sex.

To learn more about eligibility for child-rearing quarters, please refer to the paragraph on this topic.


Important :
  • If you are a third party who has been awarded full parental rights or awarded custody by the courts, you may be eligible for the child-rearing increase. You will need to declare your choice under the same rules as detailed above.
  • If you are or have been a member of more than one pension scheme that awards this insurance-length increase, only one of the schemes will award it to you.


  • You must not have lost your parental rights,
  • You must have lived with the child for all or part of the 4 years following his/her birth or adoption (1 quarter is awarded for each year you lived with the child),
  • Each of the parents must have accrued at least 8 quarters of insurance under a compulsory insurance scheme, except if you raised your child alone for all or part of the 4-year period.


In the event of shared custody or circumstances preventing the member from living with the child (work-related grounds, hospitalizations due to disability, etc.), both parents or the Ihild’s third-party guardians are considered as meeting the requirement to live with the child.

Top-up to the amount of your pension

The amount of your pension will be automatically topped up by 10% if you have had three or more children. Children whom you reared for 9 years before their 16th  birthday (and who were your or your spouse's dependents) are taken into account.

This top-up will be granted on the date of award of your (personal or survivor's) retirement pension, or the month following the date on which you meet the requirements.


If you were born between January 1st, 1951 and December 31st, 1955

You may be eligible for a full-rate retirement pension once you reach 65, even if you have not accrued the required number of quarters for a full-rate pension. To be eligible, you will need to meet the following 2 requirements:

  • you must have cut back to part-time or stopped working to raise one of these children,
  • and have accrued a minimum number of quarters prior to stopping work or cutting back to part-time.


Important :

If you are or have been a member of more than one scheme that applies this top-up to the amount of your pension, it will be applied by each of these schemes.

If you have cared for a child with a disability, you may be awarded additional quarters.

Périodes de congé de maternité ou d'adoption

Des points peuvent être attribués sans contrepartie de cotisations pendant les périodes de congé maternité ou d’adoption indemnisés.


Retraite à taux plein

Vous obtiendrez votre retraite complémentaire à taux plein si vous avez obtenu votre retraite de base à taux plein parce que :

  • vous êtes "mère de famille ouvrière",
  • ou vous bénéficiez de la majoration de la durée d’assurance pour enfant handicapé,
  • ou vous avez apporté une aide effective à votre enfant bénéficiaire d’une prestation de compensation du handicap.


Majorations pour enfants

Le régime Agirc-Arrco prévoit, sous certaines conditions, des majorations de la retraite pour enfants.

Votre retraite est majorée :

  • si vous avez un ou plusieurs enfants à charge au moment du départ à la retraite,
  • ou si vous avez eu ou élevé au moins trois enfants.


À noter :

Vous ne pouvez pas cumuler les deux types de majorations : c’est la plus favorable qui s’applique.

Définition des enfants nés ou élevés et des enfants à charge pour vos régimes de retraite complémentaire

Les enfants nés ou élevés 

Les enfants à charge


  • ceux dont la filiation avec vous est établie,
  • ceux que vous avez recueillis en qualité de tuteur,
  • ceux que vous avez recueillis et dont vous avez pris en charge l’éducation pendant 9 ans avant leur 16èmeanniversaire, sans avoir la qualité de tuteur.

La majoration pour enfant(s) né(s) ou élevé(s) est définitive.


  • ceux âgés de moins de 18 ans
  • ceux âgés de 18 à 25 ans (étudiant, apprenti, demandeur d’emploi inscrit à Pole Emploi et non indemnisé par l’Assurance chômage)
  • ceux qui sont invalides, quel que soit leur âge, à condition que l’état d’invalidité ait été constaté avant leur 21ème anniversaire.


La majoration pour enfant(s) à charge est versée tant que l’enfant n’a pas atteint la limite d’âge prévue (hors invalidité).


Vous pouvez déclarer vos enfants dès maintenant à tous vos régimes de retraite, afin de faciliter vos futures démarches (connexion au compte requise) : 

Lien vers le service "Déclarer mes enfants" sur le compte retraite (connexion au compte requise)

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